Thread: Detailed error message information

Detailed error message information

Jurgen Defurne
Dear all,

Is there a way to obtain more information about error messages, eg. the
name of the column which generates an error ?

I find it problematic that when some operations cause an error, there is
no feedback about the complete error, eg. when I do an INSERT into a
field, which exceeds the fields length, the only thing I get is

   ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(30)

No fieldname present.

When I put a string into a number field, I get

   ERROR:  pg_atoi: error in "string": can't parse "string"

Also, no fieldname present.

Of course, these are things that can be catched before the insert, but
when prototyping code and user interfaces, it is not always obvious
where a certain error comes from.

Any comments ?

