Thread: postgesql-7.3.3 lo_create/lo_open fails

postgesql-7.3.3 lo_create/lo_open fails

Colm Dobbs
Hi Guys,

I'm currenlty involved in a port of our gateway code from a Solaris 8
environment to a HP-UX11.11 incorporating postgresql-7.3.3. We're having
some problems with creation and opening of large objects and was hoping
that you may be able to shed some light on them.

I extracted the LO code into the test program as below and am able to
recreate the problems:

    int argc,
    char * argv[]
    char chBytes[] = "FILLER";
    int iLength = strlen(chBytes);

     char * chTempDB = NULL;
     chTempDB = getenv ("CMN_DBNAME");
     char *chTempUserName=NULL;
     chTempUserName = getenv ("CMN_DBUSERNAME");

    PGconn * conn = PQsetdbLogin(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, chTempDB,
chTempUserName, NULL);

     * check to see that the backend connection was successfully made
    if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
        cout << "Large object connection is bad " << endl;

    PGresult   *    res = PQexec(conn, "begin");

    Oid lobjId = lo_creat(conn, INV_READ|INV_WRITE);
    if (lobjId != -1)
        cout << "Large object ID created :" << lobjId << endl;
        int lobj_fd = lo_open(conn, lobjId, INV_WRITE);
        cout << "Large object file descriptor :" << lobj_fd << endl;
        if (lobj_fd != -1)
            // write the large object
            int nbytes_out = lo_write(conn, lobj_fd, chBytes, iLength);
            cout << "Large object written - no of bytes :" << nbytes_out << endl;
            (void) lo_close(conn, lobj_fd);

    res = PQexec(conn, "end");

all worked fine on the Solaris box but on the HP the lo_creat returns 0
for the oid - subsequently lo_open returns -1 when an attempt is made to
open the object.

The configuration used to install postgresql-7.3.3 on the HP environment
is as follows:

configure CC=/bin/cc AR=/bin/ar CFLAGS=+DA2.0W --without-readline

Has anyone come across this problem ? Any help on this would be much

Thanks in advance


* Colm Dobbs                      Email:  *
* Software Engineer               Web:      *
* Aepona LTD,Interpoint Building, Phone: +44 (0)2890 269186  *
* 20-24 York Street, Belfast      Fax:   +44 (0)2890 269111  *
* BT15 1AQ N.Ireland                                         *

Re: postgesql-7.3.3 lo_create/lo_open fails

Tom Lane
Colm Dobbs <> writes:

>     Oid lobjId = lo_creat(conn, INV_READ|INV_WRITE);
>     if (lobjId != -1)

This coding is wrong --- lo_creat would return 0 (InvalidOid) on
failure, not -1.  As for *why* it's failing, PQerrorMessage might
offer some hint.  I'm a tad surprised by that myself; never heard
of it happening with a connection not already in an error state.

            regards, tom lane