Thread: \df PATTERN, what pattern?

\df PATTERN, what pattern?

Jean-Christian Imbeault
The consoled help says that the useage for \df is \df [PATTERN]. What is
the pattern matching on? How does one use the pattern?

I have tried "patterns" (function name, data type, schema name) but none
matched anything ...

Also how does one get a listing of all functions? A \df gives me:

"trigger"                   | public     | pot_documents_duplicate_check
"trigger"                   | public     | pot_hostnames_duplicate_check
"trigger"                   | public     |
pot_operating_systems_duplicate_check |
"trigger"                   | public     | pot_referers_duplicate_check
"trigger"                   | public     |
pot_user_agents_duplicate_check       |

I see all the triggers I have defined but not the functions that those
triggers use or any other functions I have created ...


Jean-Christian Imbeault

Re: \df PATTERN, what pattern?

Alvaro Herrera
On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 05:50:53PM +0900, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> The consoled help says that the useage for \df is \df [PATTERN]. What is
> the pattern matching on? How does one use the pattern?

From the psql manual:

 The various \d commands accept a pattern parameter to specify the
 object name(s) to be displayed. * means "any sequence of characters"
 and ? means "any single character". (This notation is comparable to
 Unix shell file name patterns.) Advanced users can also use
 regular-expression notations such as character classes, for example
 [0-9]  to match "any digit". To make any of these pattern-matching
 characters be interpreted literally, surround it with double quotes.

 A pattern that contains an (unquoted) dot is interpreted as a schema
 name pattern followed by an object name pattern. For example, \dt
 foo*.bar* displays all tables in schemas whose name starts with foo and
 whose table name starts with bar. If no dot appears, then the pattern
 matches only objects that are visible in the current schema search

 Whenever the pattern parameter is omitted completely, the \d commands
 display all objects that are visible in the current schema search path.
 To see all objects in the database, use the pattern *.*.

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]>)
"La libertad es como el dinero; el que no la sabe emplear la pierde" (Alvarez)