Thread: a way to recover the DB of a data/ directory from a corrupted disk?

a way to recover the DB of a data/ directory from a corrupted disk?

Rocael Hernandez
my case is quite difficult, I think, so all the help
you can give me is more than welcome!

The short story: I had two disks, the primary running
the database server (pg 7.1.2), the second having the
daily pg_dump's. The first disk started to have I/O
problems, the sencond disk was erased by mystake by my
server provider (arrrg!). So the only thing that I
have right now is a cp that I did from the data/
directory of the disk # 1, the one that were running
the database server I got I/O problems. During the cp,
I got some problems doing it, saying things like I/O
erros and the like (bad blocks), so probably around
20% or so of the files are corrupted or were not
copiead at all.

My question is, what can I do in such a case? =(
Is there a way to recover as much as possible?, how?

Thanks for all your help!

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Re: a way to recover the DB of a data/ directory from a corrupted disk?

Martijn van Oosterhout

No guarentees here, but this may help. It can read the postgres backend
files directly and is a bit more robust against errors. It may be able to
recover your data for you. However, it requires that the pg_class and
pg_attribute tables are still intact. It has rescued one persons 7.3 so it
does work, but it hasn't been thoroughly tested.

This isn't the only program either, there are others I just don't know
where (somewhere on Redhat's website?).

Good luck!

On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 08:23:33PM -0700, Rocael Hernandez wrote:
> Hello,
> my case is quite difficult, I think, so all the help
> you can give me is more than welcome!
> The short story: I had two disks, the primary running
> the database server (pg 7.1.2), the second having the
> daily pg_dump's. The first disk started to have I/O
> problems, the sencond disk was erased by mystake by my
> server provider (arrrg!). So the only thing that I
> have right now is a cp that I did from the data/
> directory of the disk # 1, the one that were running
> the database server I got I/O problems. During the cp,
> I got some problems doing it, saying things like I/O
> erros and the like (bad blocks), so probably around
> 20% or so of the files are corrupted or were not
> copiead at all.
> My question is, what can I do in such a case? =(
> Is there a way to recover as much as possible?, how?
> Thanks for all your help!
> Rocael.
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Martijn van Oosterhout   <>
> "All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good
> men to do nothing." - Edmond Burke
> "The penalty good people pay for not being interested in politics is to be
> governed by people worse than themselves." - Plato
