Thread: Exporting large objects in 7.0.2

Exporting large objects in 7.0.2

Ross Johnson

I'm moving a database from 7.0.2 to 7.3.3. The db contains several thousand
large objects that I need to export.

To do this I've managed to modify the contrib/pg_dumplo utility from 7.3.3 so
that it works with 7.0.2, but I need to confirm a few things before I can be
confident that I can proceed.

When I run the modified pg_dumplo in 'show only' mode it reports about 8500
large object references across several tables. However, when I run it in export
mode, it produces about 5400 'lo_export: can't open inv object <oid value>'

I've looked at a few of these oid values and confirmed that there is indeed no
entry in pg_class with that value, or corresponding relname 'xinv<oid value>'.

So does this mean that I have oid value references that simply should not exist?

Can I be confident that if there is no entry in pg_class, that there is actually
no large object for that oid reference?

Ross Johnson