Thread: Accent insensitive search

Accent insensitive search

Alejandro Javier Pomeraniec
Hi ! Does anyone knows how to make accent insensitive searches??

For example

i have this data in a table


I need that this query

SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE testfield like '%olo%';

brings both results instead of only showing Polo.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Accent insensitive search

Ian Barwick
On Tuesday 01 July 2003 17:11, Alejandro Javier Pomeraniec wrote:
> Hi ! Does anyone knows how to make accent insensitive searches??
> For example
> i have this data in a table
> --------
> Colón
> Polo
> --------
> I need that this query
> SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE testfield like '%olo%';
> brings both results instead of only showing Polo.

One solution[*]:

SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE to_ascii(testfield,'LATIN1') LIKE '%olo%'

Note this might not work with all database encodings, especially UNICODE.

[*] no doubt someone will be along in a moment with another.

Ian Barwick

Re: Accent insensitive search

Alvaro Herrera
On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 03:11:54PM +0000, Alejandro Javier Pomeraniec wrote:

> Hi ! Does anyone knows how to make accent insensitive searches??

Convert both the pattern and the column to ASCII with to_ascii

> SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE testfield like '%olo%';

SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE to_ascii(testfield) like '%olo%';

Do you know the pgsql-ayuda mailing list?  You may like it.

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]>)
"Pensar que el espectro que vemos es ilusorio no lo despoja de espanto,
sólo le suma el nuevo terror de la locura" (Perelandra, CSLewis)