Thread: selecting the record before the last one

selecting the record before the last one


I've been breaking my head over this problem and getting nowhere. To explain the problem, I'll have to give a bit of
background,so bear with me. 

I have this system set up with postgres and php. One of the things this system does is allow the user to enter
invoices.Invoice info is entered into the "cart" table and the "cart_item" table. Invoices can be paid in numerous
ways,including by cheque. Sometimes, the cheque amount will exceed the invoice total. This necessitates creating a
credit,which is the difference between the cheque amount and the invoice amount. This amount is stored in a separate
tablecalled "difference". In addition to the amount, the "difference" table includes the customer's id (clientid) and
theinvoice id (cartid).  

Let's say a customer places an order. The user enters the order and when he gets to the invoice page, finds a credit
fromthe previous invoice which the customer over paid. To determine if the customer has a credit, the system does the

// is there a credit/debit associated with this customer
$query = "SELECT * FROM difference WHERE clientid = $CLIENTID";
$result = pg_query($db_conn, $query) or die("Error in query: $query."); // exec query
$numrows = pg_numrows($result); // get number of rows
if ($numrows == 1) // yes
    // access credit amount and apply to present invoice

Now, what happens when the customer has placed several orders over a period of time, and overpaid for each one? To
accessthe pertinent credit amount, I did the following which I think solved the problem: 

// is there a credit/debit associated with this customer
$query = "SELECT * FROM difference WHERE clientid = $CLIENTID ORDER BY cartid ASC LIMIT 1";
$result = pg_query($db_conn, $query) or die("Error in query: $query."); // exec query
$numrows = pg_numrows($result); // get number of rows
if ($numrows == 1) // yes
    // access credit amount and apply to present invoice

By adding the "ORDER BY cartid ASC LIMIT 1" to the sql statement, the user gets the most recent credit amount for that
customerentered into the system. That is, the credit amount created by the previous invoice. 

On the other hand, if the user wants to view an older invoice with its associated credit, he would do:

$query = "SELECT * FROM difference WHERE clientid = $CLIENTID AND cartid = $CARTID";

This is all fine. My big problem is that I have two different sql statements. One to determine if there's a credit for
theinvoice currently being entered; another to determine if there's a credit for a previously created invoice; and no
wayto determine when to use one or the other. 

You may ask, why can't I search the cartid in both instances. The reason is, when the user is creating an invoice, that
invoice'scartid (which is a random number) is already entered into the system, and therefore if he searches by clientid
andcartid, he'd get back the same invoice he's currently entering. If, on the other hand, the user is looking up a
previousinvoice, that invoice includes both clientid and cartid, allowing him to search directly for an associated

So my question is, is there a way to have one sql statement that serves both contexts?

Greatly looking forward to your feedback.


Re: selecting the record before the last one

On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 19:53:34 -0400
Mark Wilson <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, June 25, 2003, at 07:24 PM, MT wrote:
> > [snip]
> > I have this system set up with postgres and php. One of the things
> > this system does is allow the user to enter invoices. Invoice info is
> > entered into the "cart" table and the "cart_item" table. Invoices can
> > be paid in numerous ways, including by cheque. Sometimes, the cheque
> > amount will exceed the invoice total. This necessitates creating a
> > credit, which is the difference between the cheque amount and the
> > invoice amount. This amount is stored in a separate table called
> > "difference". In addition to the amount, the "difference" table
> > includes the customer's id (clientid) and the invoice id (cartid).
> >
> > [snip]
> > Now, what happens when the customer has placed several orders over a
> > period of time, and overpaid for each one? To access the pertinent
> > credit amount, I did the following which I think solved the problem:
> >
> > [snip]
> > This is all fine. My big problem is that I have two different sql
> > statements. One to determine if there's a credit for the invoice
> > currently being entered; another to determine if there's a credit for
> > a previously created invoice; and no way to determine when to use one
> > or the other.
> >
> > [snip]
> Why not create a `cumulative_credit' table (or view)? The two columns
> would be `clientid' and `amount'. `amount' would be the sum of the
> `amount' entries in the `difference' table for each `clientid'.

I don't need to create a "cumulative_credit" table for now. I just need 1 sql statement to fetch a credit amount in the
"difference"table (if it exists) that is associated with the invoice I'm either creating or reviewing. 

Mark Tessier

Re: selecting the record before the last one

Hash: SHA1

The quick answer is no: you cannot specifically match a certain column
and not match a certain column at the same time.

You are already creating the SQL statements manually, so why not just create
different ones for each situation?

if (historical search) {
  $query = "SELECT * FROM difference WHERE clientid = $CLIENTID ORDER BY cartid ASC LIMIT 1";
else {
  $query = "SELECT * FROM difference WHERE clientid = $CLIENTID AND cartid = $CARTID";

More importantly, however, there seems to be a fatal flaw in your process:

> By adding the "ORDER BY cartid ASC LIMIT 1" to the sql statement, the user
> gets the most recent credit amount for that customer entered into the
> system. That is, the credit amount created by the previous invoice.

> ...when the user is creating an invoice, that invoice's cartid (which is
> a random number) is already entered into the system,

If "cartid" is a random number, 'ORDER BY cartid ASC' is not going to do you any good.

- --
Greg Sabino Mullane
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200306261048

