Thread: COPY, but not everything...

COPY, but not everything...

"Ian Harding"
I have a big ascii text file that I would only like to import columns 1, 3 and 7 from.  I know I can filter it through
cut,but I wonder if there is an undocumented way to do it with COPY.  Sybase has a useless function called filler()
thatyou use for fields you want to ignore.  For example (psuedocode...) 

COPY mytable (col1, filler(), filler(), col2, filler(), col3) FROM '/tmp/foobar';

I like the new functionality allowing me to ignore columns in the target table, and to rearrange the columns, but this
functionalityseems to be missing... (Or I am reading it wrong...) 


Ian Harding
Programmer/Analyst II
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
Phone: (253) 798-3549
Pager: (253) 754-0002