Thread: bad unicode characters

bad unicode characters

Toby Tremayne
hi all,

    I've been trying to debug this for ages - I have a dump of a database that
I'm trying to restore to a new db created with "with encoding = 'unicode'"
and I get the following two errors:

ERROR:  copy: line 1298, Invalid UNICODE character sequence found (0xe46e67)
lost synchronization with server, resetting connection
ERROR:  copy: line 205, Invalid UNICODE character sequence found (0xed7427)
lost synchronization with server, resetting connection

Thing is I've tried desperately to locate the characters it's talking about
and I can't for the life of me.  I've tried line 1298 of the copy statement
that seems to be failing, I've tried line 1298 or the script, I've tried the
record in that copy statement that is noted as record 1298 - all of them look
fine to me in vi and shed.  I'm completely stumped - has anyone had this
problem before?  I'd appreciate any help offered - even if it's just how to
find these darn characters!

I'm using postgres 7.3.2 on SuSE 8.2 (linux 2.4.20-4GB-athlon)



  Life is poetry -
    write it in your own words


Toby Tremayne
Code Poet and Zen Master of the Heavy Sleep
Senior Technical Consultant
Lyricist Software
+61 416 048 090
ICQ: 13107913