Thread: OS X and phpPgAdmin

OS X and phpPgAdmin

Stephan Hochhaus
Hello list!

After being around for a little while and soaking pgsql info like a sponge I
installed it on my OS X 10.2.6 Mac (curl'ed the source and compiled myself).
It is up and running nicely in the terminal, as long as I access it with the
dedicated postgres user, who owns the psql-place.
I cannot connect with any other tool or phpPgAdmin, the postmaster doesn't
seem to accept any TCP/IP connections or the like. I checked the logfile,
but there wasn't anything in there :-/

Can you point me in any direction what I possibly could have done wrong?
I precisely followed the directions on this page:

Any help is greatly appreciated,


Re: OS X and phpPgAdmin

Fabrizio Mazzoni

For TCP/IP access you must enable it in postgresql.conf (in the pg data dir) or you must add the -i option in the
commandline that starts the database. After that you must enable the users which are allowed to access the db from
tcpip.Thi is done by editing the pg_hba.conf file in the data dir. Editing that file is very simple .. there are
alreadysome exaples inside the file in the comments. Regarding users, the machine users are bot the same as the
databaseusers. If you want to use other accounts to access the db you will have to create them in postgres. This is
donewith the createuser commsnd from console or directly in the database with CREATE USER the_user WITH PASSWORD

Anyway ... take a look at the docs on

Best Regards,

Fabrizio Mazzoni
Macron Srl

On Sun, 25 May 2003 18:52:47 +0200
Stephan Hochhaus <> wrote:

> Hello list!
> After being around for a little while and soaking pgsql info like a sponge I
> installed it on my OS X 10.2.6 Mac (curl'ed the source and compiled myself).
> It is up and running nicely in the terminal, as long as I access it with the
> dedicated postgres user, who owns the psql-place.
> I cannot connect with any other tool or phpPgAdmin, the postmaster doesn't
> seem to accept any TCP/IP connections or the like. I checked the logfile,
> but there wasn't anything in there :-/
> Can you point me in any direction what I possibly could have done wrong?
> I precisely followed the directions on this page:
> Any help is greatly appreciated,
> Stephan
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster



Re: OS X and phpPgAdmin

Tom Lane
Stephan Hochhaus <> writes:
> I cannot connect with any other tool or phpPgAdmin, the postmaster doesn't
> seem to accept any TCP/IP connections or the like.

Did you enable it to listen for TCP connections?  (-i command line
switch or tcpip_socket in postgresql.conf)  If you did, the problem
might be kernel-level packet filtering.

            regards, tom lane

Re: OS X and phpPgAdmin

Fabrizio Mazzoni

For TCP/IP access you must enable it in postgresql.conf (in the pg data dir) or you must add the -i option in the
commandline that starts the database. After that you must enable the users which are allowed to access the db from
tcpip.Thi is done by editing the pg_hba.conf file in the data dir. Editing that file is very simple .. there are
alreadysome exaples inside the file in the comments. Regarding users, the machine users are bot the same as the
databaseusers. If you want to use other accounts to access the db you will have to create them in postgres. This is
donewith the createuser commsnd from console or directly in the database with CREATE USER the_user WITH PASSWORD

Anyway ... take a look at the docs on

Best Regards,

Fabrizio Mazzoni
Macron Srl

On Sun, 25 May 2003 18:52:47 +0200
Stephan Hochhaus <> wrote:

> Hello list!
> After being around for a little while and soaking pgsql info like a sponge I
> installed it on my OS X 10.2.6 Mac (curl'ed the source and compiled myself).
> It is up and running nicely in the terminal, as long as I access it with the
> dedicated postgres user, who owns the psql-place.
> I cannot connect with any other tool or phpPgAdmin, the postmaster doesn't
> seem to accept any TCP/IP connections or the like. I checked the logfile,
> but there wasn't anything in there :-/
> Can you point me in any direction what I possibly could have done wrong?
> I precisely followed the directions on this page:
> Any help is greatly appreciated,
> Stephan
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
