Thread: PL/pgSQL question - record or %ROWTYPE?

PL/pgSQL question - record or %ROWTYPE?

"Egyud Csaba"
I ran into a problem trying to read out data from a table by means of a
PL/pgSQL expression (for ... in execute ...).
First I used a "tablename%ROWTYPE" type variable as a placeholder for the
record data. It failed when I executed the expression. The problem was
around a value in a "double precision" type field (pg_atoi: error in
"1390.5525": can't parse: ".5525" ).
After changing the record variable type to the general "record" type the
error disappeared.
What could be the reason?

I would think that the "%ROWTYPE" type has exactly the same structure as the
addressed table. Maybe I make a mistake.

-- Csaba

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