Thread: plpython trigger troubles.

plpython trigger troubles.

James Gregory
Hi all,

having some trouble with triggers. Defined a trigger like so:

create trigger "domain_orderitem_foreign_key_check" before insert or
update on domain_orderitem for each row execute procedure

which calls a plpython function, the first line of which is:

create or replace function foreign_key_check () returns trigger as '
plpy.notice(''running foreign key check'')

ie - I should be seeing a message every time I insert or update on that
table. However, running

update domain_orderitem set domain_id = 147;

just sits there indefinitely. Why am I not seeing the notice message?
The function *should* "work" - but I don't think that's the problem. It
appears to be choking on the actual call.

What can I do to fix this?

