Thread: function param problem in 7.3
I have create a function in 7.2: CREATE FUNCTION left(text,int2) RETURNS varchar AS ' DECLARE BEGIN RETURN substring($1,1,$2)::varchar; END;' language 'plpgsql'; I execute a function in 7.2: test=# select left('pippo',2)\g left ------ pi (1 row) I execute a function in 7.3: test=# select left('pippo',2)\g ERROR: Function left("unknown", integer) does not exist Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types You may need to add explicit typecasts test=# select left('pippo'::text,2::int2)\g left ------ pi (1 row) why in 7.2 this function worked while in 7.3 it does not work? Thanks Bye !! Frank Lupo (Wolf) !! /\_ _/\ \ o o / --ooo-----ooo--- -- Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: Sponsor: Interessi alti con Conto Arancio. Facile come cliccare qui. Clicca qui:
"=?iso-8859-1?Q?frank=5Flupo?=" <> writes: > I have create a function in 7.2: > > CREATE FUNCTION left(text,int2) RETURNS varchar AS ' > I execute a function in 7.3: > > test=# select left('pippo',2)\g > ERROR: Function left("unknown", integer) does not exist int4-to-int2 conversion is not implicit in 7.3. You'd be better off to declare the function as taking int --- declaring it as int2 was a useless anti-optimization even in 7.2, seeing that substring() takes int not int2. regards, tom lane