Thread: sub select madness

sub select madness

Tony Grant
This one is giving me a headache...

I have a list of works of art that is returned when I search on the
artists name.

I need a sub select that gets the list of expos that each work of art
has been shown at.

Can I have a sub select that shows

year, expo title, organiser, galerie
year, expo title, organiser, galerie
year, expo title, organiser, galerie
repeats as necessary

for each work using just SQL? Or do I have to call a function to get
this to work?

Hope I have been clear


Tony Grant
-- Library management software toolkit,
redhat linux on Sony Vaio C1XD,
Dreamweaver MX with Tomcat and PostgreSQL

Re: sub select madness

"Carl Olivier"
table structure for the query (i used in testing):

create table expo (expo_number int not null, exponame varchar(100) not null,
primary key(expo_number));

create table artist (artist_number int not null, artist_name varchar(100)
not null, primary key(artist_number));

create table expo_artist (expo_number int not null, artist_number int not
null, primary key (expo_number, artist_number), foreign key (expo_number)
references expo(expo_number), foreign key (artist_number) references

Data inserted (used in testing)

insert into expo values (1, 'cool expo');

insert into expo values (2, 'crap expo');

insert into expo values (3, 'mediocre expo');

insert into artist values (1, 'John');

insert into artist values (2, 'Jill');

insert into artist values (3, 'Jack');

insert into expo_artist values (1, 1);

insert into expo_artist values (1, 2);

insert into expo_artist values (2, 2);

insert into expo_artist values (3, 2);

insert into expo_artist values (3, 3);

Query that I ran:

SELECT     t1.expo_number,
        expo t1,
         expo_artist t2
where         t2.artist_number in (
            select     artist_number
            from     artist
            where     artist_name = 'John')
and         t1.expo_number = t2.expo_number;

returned correctly with the above query...



-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Tony Grant
Sent: 06 March 2003 10:29 PM
To: postgres list
Subject: [GENERAL] sub select madness

This one is giving me a headache...

I have a list of works of art that is returned when I search on the
artists name.

I need a sub select that gets the list of expos that each work of art
has been shown at.

Can I have a sub select that shows

year, expo title, organiser, galerie
year, expo title, organiser, galerie
year, expo title, organiser, galerie
repeats as necessary

for each work using just SQL? Or do I have to call a function to get
this to work?

Hope I have been clear


Tony Grant
-- Library management software toolkit,
redhat linux on Sony Vaio C1XD,
Dreamweaver MX with Tomcat and PostgreSQL

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Re: sub select madness

Hash: SHA1

> I need a sub select that gets the list of expos that each work of art
> has been shown at.
> ...
> for each work using just SQL? Or do I have to call a function to get
> this to work?

Should be possible in SQL. Send in a description of your tables.

- --
Greg Sabino Mullane
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200303061011



Re: sub select madness

Antti Haapala
On 6 Mar 2003, Tony Grant wrote:

> This one is giving me a headache...
> I have a list of works of art that is returned when I search on the
> artists name.
> I need a sub select that gets the list of expos that each work of art
> has been shown at.
> Can I have a sub select that shows
> year, expo title, organiser, galerie
> year, expo title, organiser, galerie
> year, expo title, organiser, galerie
> repeats as necessary
> for each work using just SQL? Or do I have to call a function to get
> this to work?
> Hope I have been clear

Do you mean this:

create table expo (
        expo_id serial primary key,
        year int,
        title text,
        organiser text,
        gallery text
create table artwork (
        art_id serial primary key,
        name text,
        artist text
create table artwork_in_expos (
        expo_id int8 not null references expo(expo_id) on delete
        cascade on update cascade,
        art_id int8 not null references artwork(art_id) on delete
                cascade on update cascade,
        unique (expo_id, art_id)
create view artworks_and_expos as
        select * from artwork left join artwork_in_expos using (art_id)
                left join expo using (expo_id);

Given data as below

Table artwork:
 art_id |        name         |   artist
      1 | The void            | Artist N.N.
      2 | The meaning of life | Artist N.N.
      3 | The Bar             | Mr Foo

Table expo_id:
 expo_id | year |  title   | organiser | gallery
       1 | 1838 | The Expo | N.N.      | Louvre
       2 | 1841 | The Expo | N.N.      | Louvre

Table artowork_in_expos:
 expo_id | art_id
       1 |      1
       2 |      1
       2 |      2

select * from artworks_and_expos gives

 expo_id | art_id |        name         |   artist    | year |  title   | organiser | gallery
       1 |      1 | The void            | Artist N.N. | 1838 | The Expo | N.N.      | Louvre
       2 |      1 | The void            | Artist N.N. | 1841 | The Expo | N.N.      | Louvre
       2 |      2 | The meaning of life | Artist N.N. | 1841 | The Expo | N.N.      | Louvre
         |      3 | The Bar             | Mr Foo      |      |          |           |

Notice that because of left joins work number 3 is listed once although it
hasn't been in any gallery.

Now you can do any kind of queries on this view.
For example:

select * from artworks_and_expos where artist = 'Mr Foo';

 expo_id | art_id |  name   | artist | year | title | organiser | gallery
         |      3 | The Bar | Mr Foo |      |       |           |

select gallery, year, name from artworks_and_expos where name in
    ('The void', 'The Bar') and gallery is not null;

 gallery | year |   name
 Louvre  | 1838 | The void
 Louvre  | 1841 | The void
(2 rows)

select * from artworks_and_expos where expo_id = 2;
 expo_id | art_id |        name         |   artist    | year |  title   | organiser | gallery
       2 |      1 | The void            | Artist N.N. | 1841 | The Expo | N.N.      | Louvre
       2 |      2 | The meaning of life | Artist N.N. | 1841 | The Expo | N.N.      | Louvre
(2 rows)

Views really rock. Just hour ago I read Mysql docs and it said that they
haven't got views because no-one is using them in web apps. It felt they
were saying that "SQL gurus always write explicit joins in their
queries..." or "For the sake of speed we don't adopt such purely
aesthethic features from inferior DBs. And we still have more advanced

Antti Haapala

Re: sub select madness

Hash: SHA1

I think what you want is this (I used 'Jill' not 'John'
as in your example because John has no expos in the
sample data)

SELECT a.artist_name, e.expo_number, e.exponame
FROM   artist a, expo e, expo_artist ea
WHERE  a.artist_name= 'Jill'
AND    a.artist_number = ea.artist_number
AND    e.expo_number = ea.expo_number

- --
Greg Sabino Mullane
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200303061053
