Thread: migrating / upgrading to new version

migrating / upgrading to new version

"Johnson, Shaunn"


Running PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2.

I'm about to upgrade / migrate to PostgreSQL 7.3.2 shortly
(let's say this weekend).

Are there any gotchas or caveats that I need to know?
I'm particularly concerned about doing a pg_dump of
the database and not being able to load it into the
new version because of some incompatibility.




Re: migrating / upgrading to new version

Neil Conway
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 11:28, Johnson, Shaunn wrote:
> I'm about to upgrade / migrate to PostgreSQL 7.3.2 shortly
> (let's say this weekend).
> Are there any gotchas or caveats that I need to know?
> I'm particularly concerned about doing a pg_dump of
> the database and not being able to load it into the
> new version because of some incompatibility.

There are a fair number of things that might cause problems (the HISTORY
file lists some of the backward incompatibilities, but unfortunately not
all of them).

I'd suggest that you do a dry-run before doing it "for real": take a
pg_dump of the 7.2 system, install 7.3 on a devel machine or an another
port on your production machine, and load the 7.2 dump into the 7.3 test
installation. If you can, try running your application against the 7.3
install. Once you've ensured that the migration can go smoothly, re-do
the dump & load, replacing the production instance of PostgreSQL.


Neil Conway <> || PGP Key ID: DB3C29FC