Thread: jdbc in OO
RH 7.3 running OO 1.0.2 with PostgreSQL (client libs tcl) 7.3.1-1PGDG and postgresql-jdbc 7.2.3-5.73 Has anyone successful added and used a pg db in OpenOffice? In datasources it has a jdbc source and I have jdbc available (I think), but I can not seem to get it working.
On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 12:57:05PM -0800, Patrick Nelson wrote: > RH 7.3 running OO 1.0.2 with PostgreSQL (client libs tcl) 7.3.1-1PGDG and > postgresql-jdbc 7.2.3-5.73 > > > Has anyone successful added and used a pg db in OpenOffice? Yes > In datasources > it has a jdbc source and I have jdbc available (I think), but I can not seem > to get it working. but I went for odbc ( rather than jdbc. Cheers, Patrick