Thread: Why doesn't my PerlCGI users postgres connections close down?

Why doesn't my PerlCGI users postgres connections close down?

From (Marcus Claesson)

I still have the default max number of database connections (32), but
instead of increasing it I want the connections to be closed down
after being used. I get an increasing number of these:

postgres 22906   695  0 13:40 ?        00:00:00 postgres: apache
testdb [local]
postgres 22913   695  0 13:41 ?        00:00:00 postgres: apache
testdb [local]
postgres 22926   695  0 13:47 ?        00:00:00 postgres: apache
testdb [local]
postgres 22933   695  0 13:59 ?        00:00:00 postgres: apache
testdb [local]

And I'm using Perl dbi:Pg (as well as DBIx::Recordset) in a CGI
script, and in the end I try to close the connection:

$db = DBIx::Database->new({'!DataSource' => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=testdb',
                           '!Username'   => 'apache',
                           '!KeepOpen'   => 1}) or die "Couldn't
connect to database";
*set = DBIx::Recordset->Search({%fdat,('!DataSource' => $db,
                                       '!Table'      => $table,
                                       '!Fields'     => $joined_col,
                                   '$where'      => $query)}) or die
"Couldn't connect to table :$DBI::errstr ";
$set -> Disconnect ();

Although this doesn't close any connection and they accumulate in a
way I don't want them to.
If I set '!KeepOpen' to 0 I can't run the script since $db isn't
recognized later on.

Really gratefull for any help!
