Thread: locale error

locale error

César Eduardo Schneider

I'm reinstaling my servers and I saved the pg data dir files in other drive to restore when instalation finish.

I was using a pt_BR distribuition of linux and running PG7.3.

Now I´m using Slackware and install the same version of PG, 7.3

My problem is when I´m trying to start my old database in the new system. I get the follow error:

postgres@server:/usr/local/pgsql/bin$ ./postmaster -D /home/pgsql.old/
FATAL:  invalid value for option 'LC_MESSAGES': 'pt_BR'

my env vars are:

postgres@server:/usr/local/pgsql/bin$ env | grep LC

When running initdb to create a new database, all id ok. I need restore this old database. What is wrong ?

Thanks for comments

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