Thread: Re: upgrade from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2

Re: upgrade from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2

"Ian Harding"
I don't think you need to dump for a minor number upgrade.

>>> Chantal Ackermann <> 02/10/03 08:51AM >>>

I would like to upgrade from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2 without loading the dump
data into the new database (this would take quite a while). I'd prefer a
faster way. pg_upgrade seems to be the way to go, but it is calling

pg_dumpall -s

though the -s option does not exist in pg_dumpall - neither in 7.3.1 nor
in 7.3.1. (how) is this supposed to work?

if pg_upgrade cannot be used - is there another way to transfer the data
to the new version without loading the dump?

thank you

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