Thread: Can you use array data types w/ the COPY command?

Can you use array data types w/ the COPY command?

"Peter E. Chen"
Dear All,

Is there anyway to use the COPY command to bulkload a flat-file containing a
column of csv's into a table w/ an integer[] data type?  When I try this, I
get the following error:

"ERROR:  copy: line 1, array_in: Need to specify dimension"

The dimension is variable for each row in the column.

Thanks for any advice.


Re: Can you use array data types w/ the COPY command?

will trillich
On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 03:31:06PM -0500, Peter E. Chen wrote:
> Dear All,
> Is there anyway to use the COPY command to bulkload a flat-file containing a
> column of csv's into a table w/ an integer[] data type?

here's how i'd find out--

    create temp table test(
        i int[],
        v varchar

    insert into test values('{0}','zero');
    insert into test values('{1,20,300,4000}','trend');
    insert into test values('{2020}','vision');
    insert into test values('{1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128}','binary');

    copy test to stdout;

and see what format it uses. that's probably what it'll want on
the read-it-back-in side.

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