Thread: Q: Rename constraint

Q: Rename constraint

Tilo Schwarz

I want to rename several constraints. But I didn't find a way to rename a
constraint (eg. a foreign key constraint) except of dropping and recreating
it (with alter table) - am I right?

Now my question is, if I can directly change the value of
"pg_constraint.conname", or am I calling for trouble that way?

Thanks and regards,


Re: Q: Rename constraint

Tom Lane
Tilo Schwarz <> writes:
> Now my question is, if I can directly change the value of
> "pg_constraint.conname", or am I calling for trouble that way?

If it's a foreign-key constraint, I think you'd also need to update
pg_trigger.tgconstrname for the triggers belonging to the constraint.

            regards, tom lane