Thread: Upgrading


Patrick Nelson
I have a RedHat 7.2 system with 7.2.1-2PGDG (as a server) installed on it.

I installed the PGDG rpm mainly because our RH 7.3 and 8.0 systems seemed to
have problems with the version that was current in the RH 7.2 updates.
Everything has worked great.

However, RH has release new clients (7.2.3-5.73 for RH7.2 systems and
7.1.3-4bp.2 on 7.2 systems) so I would like to update my 7.2 server and
clients.  The 7.1.3-4 installed on the RH7.2 clients works fine
communicating with the 7.2.1-2PGDG server, but I am going to push these up
to what ever version is suggested.

So here is the questions:

1. What version of server should I install on the RH 7.2 system?
2. If I go with the latest 7.3.1 (using the RH 7.3 rpms) will 7.2.3-5.73
clients have any problems communicating?
3. Or should I stick with a lower version?

Re: Upgrading

Patrick Nelson
Patrick Nelson wrote:
I have a RedHat 7.2 system with 7.2.1-2PGDG (as a server) installed on it.

I installed the PGDG rpm mainly because our RH 7.3 and 8.0 systems seemed to
have problems with the version that was current in the RH 7.2 updates.
Everything has worked great.

However, RH has release new clients (7.2.3-5.73 for RH7.2 systems and
7.1.3-4bp.2 on 7.2 systems) so I would like to update my 7.2 server and
clients.  The 7.1.3-4 installed on the RH7.2 clients works fine
communicating with the 7.2.1-2PGDG server, but I am going to push these up
to what ever version is suggested.

So here is the questions:

1. What version of server should I install on the RH 7.2 system?
2. If I go with the latest 7.3.1 (using the RH 7.3 rpms) will 7.2.3-5.73
clients have any problems communicating?
3. Or should I stick with a lower version?
Hmm... no response at all.  Either I'm to vague or to complex or to stupid.
I guess to stupid... I'll try some stuff and see if upgrading works.


Simeó Reig
I've two tables  A and B:

Table A
idTableA (Primary key)

table B

Primary key (idTableB, idTableA)

I need to known idTableB from table B where have idTableA=1 but not have any

table B
idtableB        idTableA   OtherFields
1                            1                ----
1                            2                ----
2                            1                -----
3                            1                ------

The result must be 2 and 3.

Thanks a lot  !!