Thread: lo and vb

lo and vb

"Fernado San Martin"
Hi all!!
i' trying to store large objects in my db, i read the mini how-to in the
pgsql website, and can't open a dao recordset for write, just readonly, there
say "Installed and properly configured the latest version of the Postgresql
ODBC driver", can you tell what kind of configuration do i need? how can i
make my recordset read/write?

thanks in advance

Fernando San Martín Woerner      
e-Linx Ltda.                               #216550
Fono/Fax: 56-71-212072                     Talca
1 Sur 1417 Of. 38                          Chile

"Soy dueño de las palabras que guardo, y prisionero de las que digo."