Thread: EUC_JP text from JDBC garbled after 7.3.1 install

EUC_JP text from JDBC garbled after 7.3.1 install

Jean-Christian Imbeault
I just upgraded from 7.3rc2 to 7.3.1.

The database contains EUC_JP text data.

Everything seems fine except that when I access the DB (using a Java
program with the JDBC driver) any text data comes out as garbled when
outputted to the screen.

The data itself is fine since I can access it and get it outputted to a
browser using a PHP connection.

Did I forget some setting when doing ./configure? Or is it a setting in
the JDBC driver? Everything was working fine with 7.3rc2 so I assume it
is some install/initdb setting that I forgot about?



Re: EUC_JP text from JDBC garbled after 7.3.1 install

Jean-Christian Imbeault
Figured it out. The problem was the pg thought my DB's where in
SQL_ASCII even though I had done a ./configure -enable-multibyte=EUC_JP

I had to do an initdb -E EUC_JP after setting all the necessary LC_xxx
to 'C'. (For some reason my system isn't finding the necessary language
files or whatnots).
