Thread: postgres linux server + windows/linux clients (ip) + ldap authentification + secure


for our school ive got to setup a db client server system,
the server is linux, up and running, i can connect locally, no problem
there is also an ldap server (another machine then the dbserver)

is there a secure way to connect to this server using ldap-authentification
(yet another server) from a windows (in a few cases linux) machine?
preferably no shell access.
how do i set this up?
i dont find any info in the docs,
and 'postgres ldap' search, mostly returns ldap implementations using
postgres (this is not what i need).

i suppose i could just use putty?
run a script to redirect to psql?

or is there another nicer solution?
perhaps a webinterface to connect to the dbserver (server1) using ldap
authentification (server2).

any help is much appreciated,