Thread: Error Occurred when run function. How to solve it?

Error Occurred when run function. How to solve it?

Error Occurred when run function.  Please give me some advices.  Thanks.

The function:
-- Function: usf_annatest(varchar, varchar)
CREATE FUNCTION usf_annatest(varchar, varchar) RETURNS varchar AS '
  curs_userdetail refcursor;
  table_name ALIAS for $1;
  identity ALIAS for $2;
  query_where VARCHAR;

  IF table_name = "ot_customer" THEN
      RETURN table_name;
      RETURN identity;
END;'  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

I run it :
SELECT usf_annatest('ot_test', 'anna');

Error :
NOTICE: Error occurred while executing PL/pgSQL function usf_annatest
NOTICE: line 8 at if
ERROR : Attribute 'ot_customer' not found.

So, when I need to user "ot_customer" and 'ot_customer'.

Thanks a lot.

Re: Error Occurred when run function. How to solve it?

Tino Wildenhain

--On Montag, 25. November 2002 01:17 +0800 annachau <>

> Error Occurred when run function.  Please give me some advices.  Thanks.
> The function:
> -- Function: usf_annatest(varchar, varchar)
> CREATE FUNCTION usf_annatest(varchar, varchar) RETURNS varchar AS '
>   curs_userdetail refcursor;
>   table_name ALIAS for $1;
>   identity ALIAS for $2;
>   query_where VARCHAR;
>   IF table_name = "ot_customer" THEN

(as the error tells you) You have to write ''ot_customer'' note the
double single ' instead of one double ".


>       RETURN table_name;
>   ELSE
>       RETURN identity;
>   END IF;
> END;'  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
> I run it :
> SELECT usf_annatest('ot_test', 'anna');
> Error :
> NOTICE: Error occurred while executing PL/pgSQL function usf_annatest
> NOTICE: line 8 at if
> ERROR : Attribute 'ot_customer' not found.
> So, when I need to user "ot_customer" and 'ot_customer'.
> Thanks a lot.
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Cluster problem

"Andrew Bartley"
Hi all,

I am having trouble with clustering tables at the moment.

I cluster certain tables during housekeeping before I vacuum full analyse
the whole DB.

This error pops up every few days during clustering

ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index pg_class_oid_index

Can some one please advise.

PG version:

 PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.4



Re: Cluster problem

Tom Lane
"Andrew Bartley" <> writes:
> This error pops up every few days during clustering
> ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index pg_class_oid_index

Hmm, is it possible that your OID counter has wrapped around?  Try
creating a new table, and then look to see if its OID is the largest one
in pg_class or not.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Cluster problem

"Andrew Bartley"
Thanks Tom

create table fish
fish char(4)

select oid, * from pg_class where relname = 'fish'


select max(oid) from pg_class


Looks like it has not wrapped.  Should I have the housekeeping cluster the
tables after I vacuum?



----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Lane" <>
To: "Andrew Bartley" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Cluster problem

> "Andrew Bartley" <> writes:
> > This error pops up every few days during clustering
> > ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index
> Hmm, is it possible that your OID counter has wrapped around?  Try
> creating a new table, and then look to see if its OID is the largest one
> in pg_class or not.
> regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> subscribe-nomail command to so that your
> message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: Cluster problem

Tom Lane
"Andrew Bartley" <> writes:
> select oid, * from pg_class where relname = 'fish'
> 4289092798
> select max(oid) from pg_class
> 4289092798

> Looks like it has not wrapped.

... but you're within hailing distance of a wrap; that's very nearly 4G.
I wonder whether you are consuming OIDs fast enough that you already
wrapped, and are approaching your second (or Nth) wraparound.

How many tables do you actually have (select count(*) from pg_class)?
It could be that this is just the expected post_wrap behavior:
occasional OID conflicts due to regeneration of the same OID value.
However, unless you have a heckuva lot of pg_class entries I'd expect
the probability of a conflict to be mighty small, so I'm surprised that
you are seeing conflicts often enough to complain about it.

            regards, tom lane