Thread: Why does postgres seach in ALL lines (not optimal!)

Why does postgres seach in ALL lines (not optimal!)

From (Markus Dehmann)

I have two tables with entries that have the same IDs. My select shall
get all entries from both tables that have an ID > 19000, all in all I
have 19577 entries.

select * from m, t where > 19000 and t.messageid =;

Postgres should immediately get the 577 lines from m, and get the
corresponding 577 lines from table t, using the primary keys. But, it
scans ALL the lines in table t which seems highly inefficient:

db=# EXPLAIN select * from m, t
db-# where > 19000 and t.messageid =;

Merge Join  (cost=0.00..628.96 rows=550 width=172)
  ->  Index Scan using pk_m on m  (cost=0.00..17.43  rows=  550
  ->  Index Scan using pk_t on t  (cost=0.00..554.34 rows=19576 (!!!)

Why is this and how can I make postgres search fewer rows in the table
Any help is very appreciated!!!

Re: Why does postgres seach in ALL lines (not optimal!)

Stephan Szabo
On 24 Oct 2002, Markus Dehmann wrote:

> Hi,
> I have two tables with entries that have the same IDs. My select shall
> get all entries from both tables that have an ID > 19000, all in all I
> have 19577 entries.
> select * from m, t where > 19000 and t.messageid =;
> Postgres should immediately get the 577 lines from m, and get the
> corresponding 577 lines from table t, using the primary keys. But, it
> scans ALL the lines in table t which seems highly inefficient:
> db=# EXPLAIN select * from m, t
> db-# where > 19000 and t.messageid =;
> Merge Join  (cost=0.00..628.96 rows=550 width=172)
>   ->  Index Scan using pk_m on m  (cost=0.00..17.43  rows=  550
> width=101)
>   ->  Index Scan using pk_t on t  (cost=0.00..554.34 rows=19576 (!!!)
> width=71)
> Why is this and how can I make postgres search fewer rows in the table
> t?

Well, it seems to want to do a merge join which doesn't seem like a bad
idea.  It doesn't imply t.messageid>19000 from the two clauses above.  You
could probably add it which might make a happier seeming plan, although
I'm not sure it'd help much in actual execution.  Without
t.messageid>19000 it's basically using the index scan on t to get the rows
in sorted order to do the merge.