Thread: Recover data from crashed HD

Recover data from crashed HD

Nils-Erik Svangård

One of my harddrives crashed two day ago. Only the /lib och /usr
directories was on one of my other hd's.
The old hd can no longer be detected by the bios. I have reinstalled
everything now.
The data directory in the old /lib contains what I would guess is
postgresqls table data. Can I recover the data?
I have tried to overwrite the new installation with the old files, but
the old database is not there.

I am a newbie in SQL-land, does anyone know how to revcover the data?


Re: Recover data from crashed HD

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 02:02:02AM +0200, Nils-Erik Svangård wrote:
> Hello!
> One of my harddrives crashed two day ago. Only the /lib och /usr
> directories was on one of my other hd's.
> The old hd can no longer be detected by the bios. I have reinstalled
> everything now.
> The data directory in the old /lib contains what I would guess is
> postgresqls table data. Can I recover the data?
> I have tried to overwrite the new installation with the old files, but
> the old database is not there.
> I am a newbie in SQL-land, does anyone know how to revcover the data?

You need what used to be the *entire* /var/lib/postgres/data directory (or
whatever you called it). It should have a PG_VERSION file, several other
files and a "base" and "pg_xlog" directory. Please check that you have at
least that much.

If not, you have a real problem. Also, the version of postgres you've
installed must be the same as the you're trying to recover. that's what's in
the PG_VERSION file.

Otherwise, time to go back to backups...
Martijn van Oosterhout   <>
> There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that can do binary
> arithmetic and those that can't.