Thread: phpPgAdmin + PostgreSQL + authentication

phpPgAdmin + PostgreSQL + authentication

"Johnson, Shaunn"


Not sure if this the most likely of maillists to ask,
but is anyone using phpPgAdmin?  I have a few questions
regarding authentication of username / passwords.

I'm running PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2 kernel 2.4.7-10.
I have phpPgAdmin 2.4.2 installed.

Basically, I want to know:  how to configure phpPgAdmin to
allow all the users that exist in pg_shadow to log in and
be authenticated?

In my pg_hba.conf, I have this:

[snip conf file]

local        all                                            trust
host         all    md5
host         all         16.x.x.1          md5
host         all      md5

[/snip conf file]

In the, I have this:

[snip php conf]

// The $cfgServers array starts with $cfgServers[1].  Do not use $cfgServers[0].
// You can disable a server config entry by setting host to ''.
$cfgServers[1]['local']         = false;
$cfgServers[1]['host']          = '';
$cfgServers[1]['port']          = '5432';
$cfgServers[1]['adv_auth']      = true;

$cfgServers[1]['user']          = '';   // if you are not using adv_auth,
                                                    // enter the username to connect all the time
$cfgServers[1]['password']      = '';   // if you are not using adv_auth and
                                                    // a password is required enter a password
$cfgServers[1]['only_db']       = '';   // if set to a db-name, only this db is accessible

[/snip php conf]

As I understand it, shouldn't this allow any user with TCP connection
to access the database?  I suppose I am trying to understand if
adv_auth even uses pg_shadow at all, or, does 'local' means that
no authentication is needed, anyone can log in.

The only thing that  happens at the index.php page is when I log
in, I get "Wrong username/password. Access denied".

I mean, if I can access the database via command line (psql -U joe -d testdb)
without needing to authenticate myself, shouldn't that mean that phpPgAdmin
allows the same thing?  Otherwise, I should be able to use what's in
pg_shadow, right?

I am re-reading the documentation page.  Any info / direction is appreciated.



Re: phpPgAdmin + PostgreSQL + authentication

Robert Treat
I've used phpPgAdmin before. My guess is that your failing because
postgresql is expecting an md5'd password to authenticate with, and
phpPgAdmin is passing in an unencrypted password.

On a related note, setting phpPgAdmin to advanced authentication mode,
it will rely on the information in pg_shadow.

Robert Treat

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 12:21, Johnson, Shaunn wrote:
> Howdy:
> Not sure if this the most likely of maillists to ask,
> but is anyone using phpPgAdmin?  I have a few questions
> regarding authentication of username / passwords.
> I'm running PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2 kernel 2.4.7-10.
> I have phpPgAdmin 2.4.2 installed.
> Basically, I want to know:  how to configure phpPgAdmin to
> allow all the users that exist in pg_shadow to log in and
> be authenticated?
> In my pg_hba.conf, I have this:
> [snip conf file]
> # TYPE     DATABASE    IP_ADDRESS    MASK               AUTH_TYPE
> local        all                                            trust
> host         all    md5
> host         all         16.x.x.1          md5
> host         all      md5
> [/snip conf file]
> In the, I have this:
> [snip php conf]
> // The $cfgServers array starts with $cfgServers[1].  Do not use
> $cfgServers[0].
> // You can disable a server config entry by setting host to ''.
> $cfgServers[1]['local']         = false;
> $cfgServers[1]['host']          = '';
> $cfgServers[1]['port']          = '5432';
> $cfgServers[1]['adv_auth']      = true;
> $cfgServers[1]['user']          = '';   // if you are not using
> adv_auth,
>                                                     // enter the
> username to connect all the time
> $cfgServers[1]['password']      = '';   // if you are not using adv_auth
> and
>                                                     // a password is
> required enter a password
> $cfgServers[1]['only_db']       = '';   // if set to a db-name, only
> this db is accessible
> [/snip php conf]
> As I understand it, shouldn't this allow any user with TCP connection
> to access the database?  I suppose I am trying to understand if
> adv_auth even uses pg_shadow at all, or, does 'local' means that
> no authentication is needed, anyone can log in.
> The only thing that  happens at the index.php page is when I log
> in, I get "Wrong username/password. Access denied".
> I mean, if I can access the database via command line (psql -U joe -d
> testdb)
> without needing to authenticate myself, shouldn't that mean that
> phpPgAdmin
> allows the same thing?  Otherwise, I should be able to use what's in
> pg_shadow, right?
> I am re-reading the documentation page.  Any info / direction is
> appreciated.
> Thanks!
> -X