Thread: [URGENT] Need large installations of mission critical uses of PgSQL

[URGENT] Need large installations of mission critical uses of PgSQL

"Marc G. Fournier"
Morning all ...

    I'm looking to hear from those companies using PgSQL in a mission
critical situation (financial or medical situation desired, but others
welcome) where the amount of data being stored is in excess of 10 million
tuples in a table ...

    Basically, have a client looking to run a mission critical service
using PgSQL, but *their* clients, to whom they are proposing, are
questioning PgSQL's ability to hold up with >10million tuples in a mission
critical environment ...

    What I'm looking for are companies (doesn't have to be fortune 500
or anything like that) that would be willing to talk to us (either voice
or email) about their setups ...

    Please respond directly ...

thanks ..