Thread: Re: table creation error

Re: table creation error

Hyphens aren't allowed.  See section 1.1.1 "Identifiers and Key Words" in
the PostgreSQL Documentation.  Here's a link to the 7.3 version:


"jaya prakash" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Is the name of the table important in psql... because the following
> create table command doesn't create any table in the database but the
> next sql command with a different table name creates the table.
> Is there any table name convention in postgres.
> create table IL18R---_PGA_SNPs666 (contig char(10),contig_pos
> char(10),read_pos char(10),chromat char(30),sample char(30),allele1
> char(20),allele2 char(20),ref_pos char(10),ref_sample char(10),tag
> char(100),source char(10));
> following command works well...
> create table MD1_PGA_SNPs666 (contig char(10),contig_pos
> char(10),read_pos char(10),chromat char(30),sample char(30),allele1
> char(20),allele2 char(20),re
> f_pos char(10),ref_sample char(10),tag char(100),source char(10));
> thanks
> Prakash.