Thread: cascading


Michael Zouroudis
to:  anyone who can help:

i am developing a db in pl/pgsql at work and i am having problems with one final part;  the deleting of ref. int. rows.  there are three tables, which i will list below as close as possible to what i remember (i'm at home and don't have my notes).

create table goodbye (
goodbye_id    serial     primary key,
whenn             text,
wheree             text,
how                   text,
isbn                    int

create table hello (
hello_id             serial        primary key,
goodbye_id           int,
how                      text,
isbn                        int,
constraints hello_goodbye_id_fk foreign key references goodbye(goodbye_id) on delete cascade

create table aidos (
adios_id         serial          primary key,
cost                money,
title                   text

create table goodbye_adios (
goodbye_id          int,
adios_id              int,
constraint goodbye_adios_goodbye_id_fk foreign key references goodbye(goodbye_id) on delete cascade,
constraint goodbye_adios_adios_id_fk foreign key references adios(adios_id) on delete cascade

like i said, this is as close as i can remember. 

the problem that occurs is that when i do a delete statement on the goodbye_adios table, it will automatically delete from the goodbye_adios table and the goodbye table, but not the record from the adios table.  i searched all day and seemed to be doing what the docs told me to, but to no avail.  it's been bothering me all night so if anybody knows how to work the cascade effect properly please email me back at either of these addresses;

thanks  in advance for the help,


Mike Zouroudis
I.D.E.A.L. Technology Corporation - Orlando Office - 407.999.9870 x14

Re: cascading

Stephan Szabo
On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, Michael Zouroudis wrote:

> i am developing a db in pl/pgsql at work and i am having problems with
> one final part;  the deleting of ref. int. rows.  there are three
> tables, which i will list below as close as possible to what i remember
> (i'm at home and don't have my notes).
> create table goodbye (
> goodbye_id    serial     primary key,
> whenn             text,
> wheree             text,
> how                   text,
> isbn                    int
> );
> create table hello (
> hello_id             serial        primary key,
> goodbye_id           int,
> how                      text,
> isbn                        int,
> constraints hello_goodbye_id_fk foreign key references
> goodbye(goodbye_id) on delete cascade
> );
> create table aidos (
> adios_id         serial          primary key,
> cost                money,
> title                   text
> );
> create table goodbye_adios (
> goodbye_id          int,
> adios_id              int,
> constraint goodbye_adios_goodbye_id_fk foreign key references
> goodbye(goodbye_id) on delete cascade,
> constraint goodbye_adios_adios_id_fk foreign key references
> adios(adios_id) on delete cascade
> );
> like i said, this is as close as i can remember.
> the problem that occurs is that when i do a delete statement on the
> goodbye_adios table, it will automatically delete from the goodbye_adios
> table and the goodbye table, but not the record from the adios table.  i

I assume you mean a delete from goodbye will delete from hello and
goodbye_adios since that's what appears to be correct from the above.

You have no constraints that would delete from adios listed, the
on delete cascade in goodbye_adios means that a delete on adios will
delete a row in goodbye_adios, but it doesn't do the inverse.