Thread: Re: [JDBC] Selecting Varchar range (through JDBC).

Re: [JDBC] Selecting Varchar range (through JDBC).

Daryl Beattie
Dear PostgreSQL people,

    A little while ago I posted a message about selecting a varchar
range through JDBC. Thomas was nice enough to give me some pointers, and I
went back to the database and tested some things out. The clincher came when
I realized that one of my JUnit tests was actually passing using the varchar
range; some of the regular expressions worked, while others did not.
    What I found is that using the collating elements in regex
comparisons does not work if the collating arguments are more than one
character in length. According to
REGEXP, regular expressions should work with multi-character collating
arguments. I did a bunch of tests at the PostgreSQL command-line to verify
this finding. Here are some highlights:

testdb=# select 'test' ~* '^[[.a.]-[.z.]]';
(1 row)

testdb=# select 'test' ~* '^[[.aa.]-[.za.]]';
ERROR:  Invalid regular expression: invalid collating element
testdb=# select 'test' ~* '^[[.a.]-[.za.]]';
ERROR:  Invalid regular expression: invalid collating element
testdb=# select 'test' ~* '^[[.aa.]-[.z.]]';
ERROR:  Invalid regular expression: invalid collating element
testdb=# select 'chchcc' ~ '[[.ch.]]*c';
ERROR:  Invalid regular expression: invalid collating element

    That last test was taken straight from the PostgreSQL interactive
documentation at the link that I provided above. The documentation states
that it should match.
    Is this a bug? How do I get around it? I'd appreciate any advice.



P.S. I'm using PostgreSQL 7.2.1.
P.P.S. I changed my regex's slightly in the code found far below (as per
Thomas' suggestions) so that they read '^[[.testArtist1.]-[.testArtist2.]]'
instead of '[[.testArtist1.]-[.testArtist2.]].*'. I believe both should
work, but the one Thomas suggested should be faster.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daryl Beattie []
> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 9:18 AM
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [JDBC] [GENERAL] Selecting Varchar range (through JDBC).
> Dear PostgreSQL people,
>     Thanks for your help from before, Vince. I didn't get around to
> attempting to implement that varchar range function until
> last night, and
> when I did I ran into some problems. Whenever I tried to execute the
> statement:
> SELECT ArtistId FROM Artist WHERE SortName ~*
> '[[.testArtist1.]-[.testArtist2.]].*'
>     I get the following JDBC error:
> javax.ejb.FinderException: SQLException while finding Artists:
> java.sql.SQLException: ERROR:  Invalid regular expression:
> invalid collating
> element
>     The SQLException is coming from the database, however,
> it MAY be a
> JDBC driver issue with it not escaping the statement properly.
>     My suspicion, however, is that I'm simply not using the regular
> expressions correctly. Can anybody kindly explain to me how to do this
> correctly? (I am trying to search a varchar range, for
> example, any Artists
> whose names start with the letters A to C.)
>     I have attached my Java code to the bottom of this e-mail for
> reference.
>     For your convenience, here's the link to the idocs that
> describes
> regex functionality in PostgreSQL:
> Sincerely,
>     Daryl.
> P.S. Some notes:
>     - I'm using PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RH Linux 7.2, and the
> latest binary
> PostgreSQL JDBC driver.
>     - It doesn't matter what I put in the [. .], it never
> seems to work
> any better. For example, a good test would be WHERE SortName ~*
> '[[.A.]-[.C.]].*'
>     - I tried using a straight Statement-from-a-query-string that I
> constructed instead of a PreparedStatement (to bypass any
> automatic escaping
> done by the PreparedStatement), and got the same results.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Vince Vielhaber []
> > Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 8:49 AM
> > To: Daryl Beattie
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Selecting Varchar range.
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Daryl Beattie wrote:
> >
> > > Dear PostgreSQL people,
> > >
> > >     I didn't find this in the archives or the idocs, so...
> > >
> > >     How does one select a varchar range? The meaning of my
> > question is
> > > best illustrated by the following completely hypothetical
> > and totally
> > > imaginary situation:
> > >     Let's say I have a table of musical artists:
> > >
> > > CREATE TABLE Artists (
> > >     Name VARCHAR(100)
> > > );
> > >
> > >     And I want to eventually display only the artists from
> > 'Aa' to 'Am'.
> > > Naturally doing a select where Name like 'A%' will not
> > return me what I
> > > want.
> > >     Any ides on how to do this? [Will "SELECT Name FROM
> > Artists WHERE
> > > Name > 'Aa%' AND Name < 'Am%';" work?]
> > >
> > >     Bonus question: How do I select artists whose names start with a
> > > number?
> >
> > Think REGEX.    A[a-m]%   [0-9]%
> >
> > If any of your artists are indies, send them to
> >
> > Vince.
> /**
>  * Finds all of the Artists whose sort-names fall within a
> particular range,
>  * and returns them in a Collection. An example of this would
> be to ask for
>  * all of the artists that are within "Aa" and "Cz", and it
> would return all
>  * the Artists that start with A, B, and C. Case is ignored
> for the search,
>  * but <i>be careful</i> because some bands could start with numbers!
>  *
>  * @param start The start String of the Artists we want to find.
>  * @param end The end String of the Artists we want to find.
>  * @return A Collection containing all the Artists whose
> sort-names fall
>  * within a particular range.
>  * @throws FinderException If there was a problem finding
> such Artists.
>  */
> public Collection
> ejbFindArtistsWhoseSortNamesAreWithin(String start, String
> end) throws FinderException {
>     ArrayList artists = new ArrayList(); // All of the Artists.
>     Connection dbConnection = null;      // The database connection.
>     PreparedStatement ps = null;         // The
> statement(s) to execute.
>     ResultSet resultSet = null;          // The results of
> the query.
>     if ((start.indexOf("-") > 0) || (start.indexOf("[") > 0) ||
> (start.indexOf("]") > 0) || (end.indexOf("-") > 0) ||
> (end.indexOf("[") > 0)
> || (end.indexOf("]") > 0)) throw new FinderException("The
> start and end
> strings for findArtistsWhoseSortNamesAreWithin() cannot have
> '-', '[' or ']'
> in them.");
>     if ((start == null) || ("".equals(start)) || (end == null) ||
> ("".equals(end))) return artists;
>     // STEP 1: Get the database connection.
>     try { dbConnection = getConnection(); } catch
> (Exception e) { throw
> new EJBException(e.getMessage()); }
>     // STEP 2: Find the Artists.
>     try {
>         String queryStr = "SELECT " +
> DatabaseNames.ARTIST_ID + "
> FROM " +
>                 DatabaseNames.ARTIST_TABLE + " WHERE " +
>                 DatabaseNames.ARTIST_SORTNAME + " ~* ?";
>         ps = dbConnection.prepareStatement(queryStr);
>         ps.setString(1, "[[." + start + ".]-[." + end +
> ".]].*");
>         resultSet = ps.executeQuery();
>         ArtistPK artistPK = null;
>         while ( {
>             artistPK = new ArtistPK();
> artistPK.setId(resultSet.getInt(DatabaseNames.ARTIST_ID));
>             artists.add(artistPK);
>         }
>     }
>     catch(SQLException e) {
>         context.setRollbackOnly();
>         throw new FinderException("SQLException while finding
> Artists:\n" + e);
>     }
>     finally {
>         try { closeResultSet(resultSet); } catch (Exception e) {
> log.warning("Failed to close ResultSet: " + e.getMessage()); }
>         try { closeStatement(ps); } catch (Exception e) {
> log.warning("Failed to close Statement: " + e.getMessage()); }
>         try { closeConnection(dbConnection); } catch
> (Exception e) {
> log.warning("Failed to close Connection: " + e.getMessage()); }
>     }
>     // STEP 3: Return that Collection of ArtistPKs.
>     return artists;
> }
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> subscribe-nomail command to so that your
> message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [JDBC] Selecting Varchar range (through JDBC).

Stephan Szabo
Stephan Szabo

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Daryl Beattie wrote:

> Dear PostgreSQL people,
>     A little while ago I posted a message about selecting a varchar
> range through JDBC. Thomas was nice enough to give me some pointers, and I
> went back to the database and tested some things out. The clincher came when
> I realized that one of my JUnit tests was actually passing using the varchar
> range; some of the regular expressions worked, while others did not.
>     What I found is that using the collating elements in regex
> comparisons does not work if the collating arguments are more than one
> character in length. According to
> REGEXP, regular expressions should work with multi-character collating
> arguments. I did a bunch of tests at the PostgreSQL command-line to verify
> this finding. Here are some highlights:
> testdb=# select 'test' ~* '^[[.a.]-[.z.]]';
>  ?column?
> ----------
>  t
> (1 row)
> testdb=# select 'test' ~* '^[[.aa.]-[.za.]]';
> ERROR:  Invalid regular expression: invalid collating element
> testdb=# select 'test' ~* '^[[.a.]-[.za.]]';
> ERROR:  Invalid regular expression: invalid collating element
> testdb=# select 'test' ~* '^[[.aa.]-[.z.]]';

Are you really in a locale where aa or za are collating elements?

> ERROR:  Invalid regular expression: invalid collating element
> testdb=# select 'chchcc' ~ '[[.ch.]]*c';
> ERROR:  Invalid regular expression: invalid collating element
>     That last test was taken straight from the PostgreSQL interactive
> documentation at the link that I provided above. The documentation states
> that it should match.

Note the caveat in the paragraph above.  If the collating sequence
includes a ch collating element...
It means if you're in a locale where ch collates as a single element you
can use .ch. to refer to that element.