Thread: XQuery/XPath interface for postgresql.

XQuery/XPath interface for postgresql.

"Simon Kelly"
I have just been reading an older mail in the hackers mailing list about whether XQuery could be added to pgsql, and whether there would be enough people interested in it to make it worth while.
I have just started on a project, as part of a team, to develop a web-based data viewer API that can be plugged into an applet and make all db sources of data transparent no matter their type.  The data format in the db's will be in XML format, and we are looking into the use of xquery to search though and manipulate the content.  However, not all of the groups we are working with use db's that have xquery frount-ends, pgsql being on of them.
This group however will not change their db, so I am looking for a plug-in or add-on frount end that can alter a xquery message into a pgsql message.  Does anyone know if there is such a beast??