Thread: Foreign keys: how to turn referential integrity constraint off

Foreign keys: how to turn referential integrity constraint off

Jean-Christian Imbeault
I have a table of line_items and distributor_orders somewhat like this:

create table DIST_ORDER (

id                      serial          primary key,
distributor_id          integer         references DISTRIBUTORS(id),
submit_time             timestamp (0) without time zone not null

create table MEMBER_INVOICE_LI (

invoice_id              integer         references INVOICE_CART(id),
id                      integer         not null, --line item number
dist_order_id           integer         references DIST_ORDER(id),
prod_id                 char(12)        references PRODUCTS(id),
quantity                int2            not null,
price                   integer         not null,
shipped                 boolean         not null,

primary key (invoice_id, id)

The problem I have is that distributor orders are only generated at the
end of the day, so when a customer creates an order, a line item is
created *but* there is no distributor order to assign it to yet.

How can I set the constraint to check referential integrity or let the
value be null?

Is this possible? Is it recommendable?



Re: Foreign keys: how to turn referential integrity

Stephan Szabo
On Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:

> I have a table of line_items and distributor_orders somewhat like this:
> create table DIST_ORDER (
> id                      serial          primary key,
> distributor_id          integer         references DISTRIBUTORS(id),
> submit_time             timestamp (0) without time zone not null
> );
> create table MEMBER_INVOICE_LI (
> invoice_id              integer         references INVOICE_CART(id),
> id                      integer         not null, --line item number
> dist_order_id           integer         references DIST_ORDER(id),
> prod_id                 char(12)        references PRODUCTS(id),
> quantity                int2            not null,
> price                   integer         not null,
> shipped                 boolean         not null,
> primary key (invoice_id, id)
> );
> The problem I have is that distributor orders are only generated at the
> end of the day, so when a customer creates an order, a line item is
> created *but* there is no distributor order to assign it to yet.
> How can I set the constraint to check referential integrity or let the
> value be null?
> Is this possible? Is it recommendable?

Are you running into a problem?  NULLs should be allowed in single column
references barring a separate not null constraint (it's a little more
complicated for multiple column foreign keys)