Thread: The standard 'why does it take so long' question

The standard 'why does it take so long' question

"Nigel J. Andrews"

I have this query which used to yield this EXPLAIN ANALYZE [reformated] output:

Sort  (cost=12830.25..12830.25 rows=391 width=26)
       (actual time=39966.50..40305.70 rows=26982 loops=1)
  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..12813.40 rows=391 width=26)
                    (actual time=69.16..34152.78 rows=26982 loops=1)
        ->  Index Scan using chat_user_lcasename_idx
                           , chat_user_lcasename_idx on chat_user u
                             (cost=0.00..7.21 rows=2 width=12)
                              (actual time=1.06..65.62 rows=2 loops=1)
        ->  Index Scan using chat_post_usertime_idx on chat_post p
                             (cost=0.00..6383.72 rows=1638 width=14)
                              (actual time=72.31..10764.40 rows=13491 loops=2)
Total runtime: 40739.10 msec

where chat_post_usertime_idx is from:
  CREATE INDEX blah blah ...  btree(user_id,time)

After adding another index chat_post_time_user_idx, which reverses the order of
the two columns in the above index, EXPLAIN ANALYZE yields:

Sort  (cost=9677.13..9677.13 rows=391 width=26)
       (actual time=62267.30..62554.49 rows=26982 loops=1)
  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..9660.28 rows=391 width=26)
                    (actual time=174.77..55699.39 rows=26982 loops=1)
        ->  Index Scan using chat_user_lcasename_idx
                           , chat_user_lcasename_idx on chat_user u
                             (cost=0.00..7.21 rows=2 width=12)
                              (actual time=37.82..97.44 rows=2 loops=1)
        ->  Index Scan using chat_post_timeuser_idx on chat_post p
                             (cost=0.00..4806.89 rows=1638 width=14)
                              (actual time=328.81..19932.71 rows=13491 loops=2)
Total runtime: 62983.64 msec

A 50% performance loss. I'm just trying to understand where the extra time
comes from.

Rearranging these explains into pairs of lines such that the first line of a
pair is from the first explain and the second line from the second (works best
in a _wide_ window) we can more easily compare things.
Sort  (cost=12830.25..12830.25 rows=391 width=26) (actual time=39966.50..40305.70 rows=26982 loops=1)
Sort  (cost=9677.13..9677.13 rows=391 width=26) (actual time=62267.30..62554.49 rows=26982 loops=1)

  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..12813.40 rows=391 width=26) (actual time=69.16..34152.78 rows=26982 loops=1)
  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..9660.28 rows=391 width=26) (actual time=174.77..55699.39 rows=26982 loops=1)

        ->  Index Scan using chat_user_lcasename_idx, chat_user_lcasename_idx on chat_user u  (cost=0.00..7.21 rows=2
width=12)(actual time=1.06..65.62 rows=2 loops=1) 
        ->  Index Scan using chat_user_lcasename_idx, chat_user_lcasename_idx on chat_user u  (cost=0.00..7.21 rows=2
width=12)(actual time=37.82..97.44 rows=2 loops=1) 

        ->  Index Scan using chat_post_usertime_idx on chat_post p  (cost=0.00..6383.72 rows=1638 width=14) (actual
time=72.31..10764.40rows=13491 loops=2) 
        ->  Index Scan using chat_post_timeuser_idx on chat_post p  (cost=0.00..4806.89 rows=1638 width=14) (actual
time=328.81..19932.71rows=13491 loops=2) 

Total runtime: 40739.10 msec
Total runtime: 62983.64 msec

It's pretty obvious from this that the index scan on chat_user takes longer
when the new index is used on the other table. The index scan of the new index
obviously takes longer as well.

The first question is why would the index scan on chat_user take significantly
longer than before? All I could think of is that the use of the new index has
forced more disk reads. Does that sound reasonable and what are the

The next question is why would the index scan of the new index take
significantly longer than before? From pg_class the new index uses 3814 pages
and the preexisting one 4191. Therefore, one would have thought that the scan
of the new index would take less time since less disk reads...uh oh, I think I
may have just thought this out clearer...the new index takes longer to scan
because it presumbly has to read more pages of the index to cover the required
time interval than the older index because the older index has already narrowed
the selection down by the user. Does that sound reasonable? That would then
support my supposition about the first question, right?

My ignorance will show once more now; why would the index scan on chat_user be
impacted by a loss of index pages from shared memory/disk cache? Isn't this
scan finished before the one on chat_post starts? Or would that scenario have
meant a hash join would be in the explain output? This would go some way to
explaining the extra time taken on chat_post if I'm missunderstanding this. I
think I'll look up the explain output in the manual again as well.

Oh, and before it's asked, the DB has been analyzed after the last data load
and there was no change in data between these runs. Also:

 PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on i386-unknown-freebsd3.3, compiled by GCC

I hope I haven't put y'all to sleep.

Nigel J. Andrews

Logictree Systems Limited
Computer Consultants

Re: The standard 'why does it take so long' question

Neil Conway
"Nigel J. Andrews" <> writes:
> I have this query which used to yield this EXPLAIN ANALYZE
> [reformated] output:

Uh, *which* query, exactly?



Neil Conway <>

Re: The standard 'why does it take so long' question

"Nigel J. Andrews"
On 8 Aug 2002, Neil Conway wrote:

> "Nigel J. Andrews" <> writes:
> > I have this query which used to yield this EXPLAIN ANALYZE
> > [reformated] output:
> Uh, *which* query, exactly?

Hmmm...I suppose I should have written 'I have a query...'

Never mind I'll repost the whole message along with the query, just so that
it's all together for easier reference.

The query refered to in the post below:

explain analyze
        , p.session_id
        , p.post_number
        , to_char(p.time,'Dy, Mon DD YYYY HH:MIam ET')
   from chat_post p
        , chat_user u
        p.poster_id =
        p.time >= 'epoch'::timestamptz + '959904000 seconds'::interval
        p.time <= 'epoch'::timestamptz + '1023667200 seconds'::interval
        ( u.lower_name = 'thrifty' OR u.lower_name = 'hope1' )
   order by p.time


Re: The standard 'why does it take so long' question

Joe Conway
Nigel J. Andrews wrote:
> The query refered to in the post below:
> explain analyze
>  select
>         , p.session_id
>         , p.post_number
>         , to_char(p.time,'Dy, Mon DD YYYY HH:MIam ET')
>    from chat_post p
>         , chat_user u
>    where
>         p.poster_id =
>        AND
>         p.time >= 'epoch'::timestamptz + '959904000 seconds'::interval
>        and
>         p.time <= 'epoch'::timestamptz + '1023667200 seconds'::interval
>        and
>         ( u.lower_name = 'thrifty' OR u.lower_name = 'hope1' )
>    order by p.time

I'm not sure I can answer your detailed questions, but if you're really
searching for a way to make this query run faster, it strikes me that I
didn't see any evidence of an index on p.poster_id.

It looks to me like that would speed this query significantly. For
example, I just experimented here with a header/detail query similar to
yours, and found that without an index on the foreign key field, the
time for the query increased by 1000X (1.74 msec to 1771.95 msec).



Re: The standard 'why does it take so long' question

Tom Lane
"Nigel J. Andrews" <> writes:
> The first question is why would the index scan on chat_user take
> significantly longer than before?

I think the indexscan is having to skip over more irrelevant data in the
second case.  Think about it: you can scan an index range consisting of
a single user's posts between times T1 and T2, or you can scan an index
range consisting of all posts between times T1 and T2.  The second
column of the index will save you from actually going to the heap for
posts from other users, but you'll still have to pass over those index
entries, because the contiguous range of index entries that covers the
data you want will include a a lot of posts from other users.

What interests me is why the planner chose the second index when it
had a choice; I'd have thought its cost models were good enough to
handle this subtlety.  Can you post the pg_stats rows for the columns
in question?

            regards, tom lane

Re: The standard 'why does it take so long' question

"Nigel J. Andrews"

First I'll just say thanks to Joe Conway for the suggestion of an index on the
poster_id column. Although I didn't show it I do have an index on that field as
well, however, as I understand it the index on (poster_id,time) should fulfil
this same function.

On Fri, 9 Aug 2002, Tom Lane wrote:

> "Nigel J. Andrews" <> writes:
> > The first question is why would the index scan on chat_user take
> > significantly longer than before?
> I think the indexscan is having to skip over more irrelevant data in the
> second case.  Think about it: you can scan an index range consisting of
> a single user's posts between times T1 and T2, or you can scan an index
> range consisting of all posts between times T1 and T2.  The second
> column of the index will save you from actually going to the heap for
> posts from other users, but you'll still have to pass over those index
> entries, because the contiguous range of index entries that covers the
> data you want will include a a lot of posts from other users.

That was the idea that popped into my head while I was writing the questions so
that certainly seems reasonable to me.

> What interests me is why the planner chose the second index when it
> had a choice; I'd have thought its cost models were good enough to
> handle this subtlety.  Can you post the pg_stats rows for the columns
> in question?

I really don't know sufficient to be able to see why the stats would favour one
index over the other. Although looking at the pg_stats entries below now I
notice that the correlation for the time column is 1, compared to 0.058 for the
poster_id. As there is a natural order to the data, i.e. it's loaded in time
order, I am not entirely surprised that there's a high correlation, just
slightly surprised the stats gatherer picked up on it.

Note that the poster_ids for the example query are also shown below and are not
listed in the most_common_vals array. I've also shown the human understandable
values for the time limits in the query and due to the nature/distribution of
this column it's unsurprising to find that I managed to pick a time period that
didn't include one of the more common times.

So, what's making the planner choose the slower index is the correlation figure

archive=> select * from pg_stats where attname = 'time' or attname = 'poster_id' and tablename = 'chat_post';
 tablename |  attname  | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct |
                     most_common_vals                                                                                 |
                                  most_common_freqs                                    |

   | correlation 

 chat_post | poster_id |         0 |         2 |        338 | {2149,731,1130,2595,1879,1656,688,1842,2473,1747}

                                  |   0.0583958 
 chat_post | time      |         0 |         8 |  -0.350654 | {"1998-03-26 11:09:00-05","1999-05-13
00:49:00-04","2000-12-1413:05:00-05","2001-01-25 12:18:00-05","2002-04-04 11:37:00-05","2002-05-28
15:21:00-04","2002-07-1009:53:00-04"} |
{0.000666667,0.000666667,0.000666667,0.000666667,0.000666667,0.000666667,0.000666667}  | {"1998-03-06
01:26:00-05","1998-08-2111:00:00-04","1999-02-22 15:15:00-05","1999-07-22 05:37:00-04","2000-01-24
09:53:00-05","2000-10-2317:45:00-04","2001-02-26 16:22:00-05","2001-06-28 20:19:00-04","2001-12-06
14:06:00-05","2002-04-2616:05:00-04","2002-08-09 00:10:00-04"} |           1 
(2 rows)

archive=> select * from chat_user where name in ('thrifty', 'hope1');
  id  |  name   | lower_name
 2494 | thrifty | thrifty
 1112 | hope1   | hope1
(2 rows)

archive=> select 'epoch'::timestamptz + '959904000 seconds'::interval as from, 'epoch'::timestamptz + '1023667200
seconds'::intervalas to; 
          from          |           to
 2000-06-02 01:00:00+01 | 2002-06-10 01:00:00+01
(1 row)

Thanks for the input Tom.

Nigel J. Andrews

Logictree Systems Limited
Computer Consultants

Re: The standard 'why does it take so long' question

Tom Lane
"Nigel J. Andrews" <> writes:
> I really don't know sufficient to be able to see why the stats would
> favour one index over the other. Although looking at the pg_stats
> entries below now I notice that the correlation for the time column is
> 1, compared to 0.058 for the poster_id.

Ah, of course, that would do it.  Thinking about it, I see that the
system is not really very bright about ordering considerations for
multicolumn indexes.  On a macro scale, the posterid/time index is
poorly correlated with the physical table order --- but when you
consider only the set of entries for a single posterid over a small
time range, the index is pretty well correlated.  The planner doesn't
consider that effect, so it mistakenly credits the time/posterid
index with much higher correlation and hence lower scan cost than the

I already had a todo item to reconsider the costing estimates for
multicolumn indexes --- will see if we can be smarter about cases like

            regards, tom lane