Thread: COPY


From (igor)
I am using the copy command for copy very large database. But I am
using it like it's described in tutorial "copy table from
'/file'..etc". So it takes a lot of time copy each table. Is there any
way how to create some function to copy all the directory ,or
something like foreach (table)...? That directory would contain
prepared tables already. I do not know lot about PostgreSQL functions
,so I am asking some advice.


Alvaro Herrera
igor dijo:

> I am using the copy command for copy very large database. But I am
> using it like it's described in tutorial "copy table from
> '/file'..etc". So it takes a lot of time copy each table. Is there any
> way how to create some function to copy all the directory ,or
> something like foreach (table)...? That directory would contain
> prepared tables already. I do not know lot about PostgreSQL functions
> ,so I am asking some advice.

It should be very simple to write on in Perl or shell to do that,
something like

for i in /where/dumps/reside/*.dump; do
    psql -c "copy table from $i" && mv $i $i.old

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]>)
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