Thread: Postgres and J2EE

Postgres and J2EE

From (Marcin)

Is there anybody who play with Postgres and Java 2 EE Platform? I have
a problem with connecting my J2EE app server to Postgres server. When
I call getConnection() method, it throws exception with message "no
suitable driver". Below is appropriate piece of code:

        ic = InitialContext();
        ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/mydb");
        db = ds.getConnection();

I'm almost sure that it's not a problem with configuration of J2EE
server, but with driver itself. But what could be wrong, if I
downloaded Postgres driver from Postgres web site and there is written
that it supports JDBC 2.0 API, particularly DataSource interface?
Moreover, I've done exactly what they say in configuration manual...

If there is anybody who have experience with J2EE and Postgres, PLEASE
tell me, how You bring them together and force to work. Maybe there's
some hook in configuration or should I build the driver from
sources... I don't know, I have no idea :-(

I use:
- Postgres 7.2
- J2EE - 1.3
- J2SDK - 1.3.1


Re: Postgres and J2EE

Daryl Beattie
Dear Marcin,

    Actually, I would tend to believe that it is a configuratin problem
you are having. It sounds like JDBC can't find your driver to load when
somebody is trying to get a connection (or maybe J2EE trying to create at
DataSource), rather than a problem with the driver itself. Is it in the
    I have gotten the PostgreSQL JDBC2 driver working with JBoss 2.4, so
I can tell you that it does work with J2EE. Since I didn't use the Sun
reference J2EE server, I can't give you more contextual information, sorry.
    You should not need to build the JDBC driver from source.
    This is merely a problem of getting your application to use the JDBC
driver correctly.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 8:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: [GENERAL] Postgres and J2EE
> Hi!
> Is there anybody who play with Postgres and Java 2 EE Platform? I have
> a problem with connecting my J2EE app server to Postgres server. When
> I call getConnection() method, it throws exception with message "no
> suitable driver". Below is appropriate piece of code:
>         ic = InitialContext();
>         ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/mydb");
>         db = ds.getConnection();
> I'm almost sure that it's not a problem with configuration of J2EE
> server, but with driver itself. But what could be wrong, if I
> downloaded Postgres driver from Postgres web site and there is written
> that it supports JDBC 2.0 API, particularly DataSource interface?
> Moreover, I've done exactly what they say in configuration manual...
> If there is anybody who have experience with J2EE and Postgres, PLEASE
> tell me, how You bring them together and force to work. Maybe there's
> some hook in configuration or should I build the driver from
> sources... I don't know, I have no idea :-(
> I use:
> - Postgres 7.2
> - J2EE - 1.3
> - J2SDK - 1.3.1
> Thanx
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