Thread: ExecEvalExpr: unknown expression type 704 problems...

ExecEvalExpr: unknown expression type 704 problems...

Eric D Nielsen
I am in the process of migrating a server between machines.  The old
machine was running PostGreSQL 7.1.3 (compiled from source)  on a RH 7.0 Linux
system.  The new machine is running the debian postgresql-7.2.1-2 on
Debian (Woody).

Initially I tried using pg_dumpall to replicate the datbases, but
psql generated errors after created the users.  I then dropped the users
and added the users and databases by hand, using pg_dump <database> > file and
psql <database> < file for each database seperately.  This process was
completed without errors.

Many queries seem to work and most of my dynamic sites are operational,
however, several queries generate an error message.

Sample query causing the problem:
SELECT distinct title, collections.collectionid FROM collections
    LEFT OUTER JOIN team_items ON
    LEFT OUTER JOIN item_status ON
    WHERE libraryid=1 AND (item_status IS NULL
    ORDER BY title LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0;

Resulting error message:
ERROR: ExecEvalExpr: unknown expression type 704

There are some references to this message in the mailing list archives, from
June of last year referencing a "SELECT foo FROM foo;" however that doesn't
seem to apply in this case.

Thank you.
Eric Nielsen

Re: ExecEvalExpr: unknown expression type 704 problems...

Tom Lane
Eric D Nielsen <nielsene@MIT.EDU> writes:
> Sample query causing the problem:
> SELECT distinct title, collections.collectionid FROM collections
>     LEFT OUTER JOIN team_items ON
>        (collections.collectionid=team_items.collectionid)
>     LEFT OUTER JOIN item_status ON
>        (team_items.statusid=item_status.statusid)
>     WHERE libraryid=1 AND (item_status IS NULL
>     OR<>'REFERENCE')
>     ORDER BY title LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0;

> Resulting error message:
> ERROR: ExecEvalExpr: unknown expression type 704

I'm not really interested in trying to reverse-engineer your schema.
Could you supply a complete runnable example, rather than a fragment?

            regards, tom lane