Thread: Query Help

Query Help

Hunter Hillegas
I'm looking for a little query help, if anyone has a free moment...

I have two tables:

CREATE TABLE message_board_topics (
    rec_num integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    topic_name varchar(255),
    topic_body text,
    topic_author varchar(20),
    topic_author_email varchar(50),
    topic_date date,
    topic_updated datetime,
    number_of_comments integer

CREATE TABLE message_board_comments (
    rec_num integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    topic_id integer REFERENCES message_board_topics,
    comment_parent integer,
    comment_name varchar(255),
    comment_body text,
    comment_author varchar(20),
    comment_author_email varchar(50),
    comment_date date

Anyway, I want to do a quick and dirty search against them... Basically I
want to find any message_board_topic where the submitted text matches either
the topic_name, topic_body, topic_author, or the comment_author of any
related comment...

I tried this:

SELECT * FROM message_board_topics, message_board_comments WHERE
upper(topic_name) LIKE upper('%test%') OR upper(topic_body) LIKE
upper('%test%') OR upper(topic_author) LIKE upper('%test%') OR
(upper(message_board_comments.comment_author) LIKE upper('%test%') AND
message_board_comments.topic_id = message_board_topics.rec_num) ORDER BY
message_board_topics.rec_num DESC;

Now, this returns no rows but this query that doesn't search the comments
table returns a row:

SELECT * FROM message_board_topics WHERE upper(topic_name) LIKE
upper('%test%') OR upper(topic_body) LIKE upper('%test%') OR
upper(topic_author) LIKE upper('%test%') ORDER BY
message_board_topics.rec_num DESC;

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? It would be a big help.


Re: Query Help

Stephan Szabo
On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Hunter Hillegas wrote:

> I'm looking for a little query help, if anyone has a free moment...
> I have two tables:
> CREATE TABLE message_board_topics (
>     rec_num integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
>     topic_name varchar(255),
>     topic_body text,
>     topic_author varchar(20),
>     topic_author_email varchar(50),
>     topic_date date,
>     topic_updated datetime,
>     number_of_comments integer
> );
> CREATE TABLE message_board_comments (
>     rec_num integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
>     topic_id integer REFERENCES message_board_topics,
>     comment_parent integer,
>     comment_name varchar(255),
>     comment_body text,
>     comment_author varchar(20),
>     comment_author_email varchar(50),
>     comment_date date
> );
> Anyway, I want to do a quick and dirty search against them... Basically I
> want to find any message_board_topic where the submitted text matches either
> the topic_name, topic_body, topic_author, or the comment_author of any
> related comment...
> I tried this:
> SELECT * FROM message_board_topics, message_board_comments WHERE
> upper(topic_name) LIKE upper('%test%') OR upper(topic_body) LIKE
> upper('%test%') OR upper(topic_author) LIKE upper('%test%') OR
> (upper(message_board_comments.comment_author) LIKE upper('%test%') AND
> message_board_comments.topic_id = message_board_topics.rec_num) ORDER BY
> message_board_topics.rec_num DESC;
> Now, this returns no rows but this query that doesn't search the comments
> table returns a row:
> SELECT * FROM message_board_topics WHERE upper(topic_name) LIKE
> upper('%test%') OR upper(topic_body) LIKE upper('%test%') OR
> upper(topic_author) LIKE upper('%test%') ORDER BY
> message_board_topics.rec_num DESC;
> Any ideas what I am doing wrong? It would be a big help.

Presumably there's no comment for the matching row.  You're doing
an inner join in the first query so it's only going to give you
a row out if there exists a comment whose topic_id is equal to
the other table's rec_num.

You might want to do an outer join instead (something like:
select * from message_board_topics left join message_board_comments
 on (message_board_comments.topic_id=message_board_topics.rec_num)
upper(topic_name) LIKE upper('%test%') OR upper(topic_body) LIKE
upper('%test%') OR upper(topic_author) LIKE upper('%test%') OR
(upper(message_board_comments.comment_author) LIKE upper('%test%')
order by message_board_topics.rec_num desc;