Thread: ERROR: bt_fixroot: not valid old root page

ERROR: bt_fixroot: not valid old root page

From (Trev)

I'm getting the following error message and am hoping that someone can
tell me why and what to do to fix it:

adb=# select * from user;
 userid | username | passwd | firstname | lastname | email
(0 rows)

adb=# insert into user values (100,'admin','blah','ad','min',
adb(# '');
NOTICE:  bt_getroot[booker_user_pk]: fixing root page
ERROR:  bt_fixroot: not valid old root page

I'm running Postgresql 7.2.1-2 under Cygwin on Windows 98se (Just
playing with some stuff). I have cygipc-1.11 installed and running.
Nothing additional appears in the logs. Have plenty of disk space and
memory free.

If anybody requires anymore details please let me know.


Re: ERROR: bt_fixroot: not valid old root page

From (Trev)
Date: (Trev) wrote in message news:<>...
> Nothing additional appears in the logs.

But here's what i get if I run it with a debug level set to 5.

postmaster: PostmasterMain: initial environ dump:
    BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T4 P330
    CMDLINE=bash --login -i
FindExec: searching PATH ...
ValidateBinary: can't stat "/usr/local/bin/postgres"
FindExec: found "/usr/bin/postgres" using PATH
invoking IpcMemoryCreate(size=1441792)
FindExec: searching PATH ...
ValidateBinary: can't stat "/usr/local/bin/postmaster"
FindExec: found "/usr/bin/postmaster" using PATH
DEBUG:  database system was shut down at 2002-07-17 17:40:40 GMTDT
DEBUG:  checkpoint record is at 0/149528
DEBUG:  redo record is at 0/149528; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown
DEBUG:  next transaction id: 217; next oid: 41134
DEBUG:  database system is ready
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG:  exit(0)
DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
DEBUG:  BackendStartup: forked pid=637475 socket=11
postmaster child[637475]: starting with (postgres -d5 -v131072 -p
surroundscape )
DEBUG:  InitPostgres
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  query: select getdatabaseencoding()
DEBUG:  parse tree: { QUERY :command 1  :utility <> :resultRelation 0
:into <> :isPortal false :isBinary false :isTemp false :hasAggs false
:hasSubLinks false :rtable <> :jointree { FROMEXPR :fromlist <> :quals
<>} :rowMarks () :targetList ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1
:restype 19 :restypmod -1 :resname getdatabaseencoding :reskey 0
:reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid
19  :opType func :oper { FUNC :funcid 1039 :functype 19 } :args <>}})
:groupClause <> :havingQual <> :distinctClause <> :sortClause <>
:limitOffset <> :limitCount <> :setOperations <> :resultRelations ()}
DEBUG:  rewritten parse tree:
DEBUG:  { QUERY :command 1  :utility <> :resultRelation 0 :into <>
:isPortal false :isBinary false :isTemp false :hasAggs false
:hasSubLinks false :rtable <> :jointree { FROMEXPR :fromlist <> :quals
<>} :rowMarks () :targetList ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1
:restype 19 :restypmod -1 :resname getdatabaseencoding :reskey 0
:reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid
19  :opType func :oper { FUNC :funcid 1039 :functype 19 } :args <>}})
:groupClause <> :havingQual <> :distinctClause <> :sortClause <>
:limitOffset <> :limitCount <> :setOperations <> :resultRelations ()}
DEBUG:  plan: { RESULT :startup_cost 0.00 :total_cost 0.01 :rows 1
:width 0 :qptargetlist ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1
:restype 19 :restypmod -1 :resname getdatabaseencoding :reskey 0
:reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid
19  :opType func :oper { FUNC :funcid 1039 :functype 19 } :args <>}})
:qpqual <> :lefttree <> :righttree <> :extprm () :locprm () :initplan
<> :nprm 0  :resconstantqual <>}
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  query: SELECT usesuper FROM pg_user WHERE usename = 'no'
DEBUG:  parse tree: { QUERY :command 1  :utility <> :resultRelation 0
:into <> :isPortal false :isBinary false :isTemp false :hasAggs false
:hasSubLinks false :rtable ({ RTE :relname pg_user :relid 16478
:subquery <> :alias <> :eref { ATTR :relname pg_user :attrs (
"usename"   "usesysid"   "usecreatedb"   "usetrace"   "usesuper"
"usecatupd"   "passwd"   "valuntil" )} :inh true :inFromCl true
:checkForRead true :checkForWrite false :checkAsUser 0}) :jointree {
FROMEXPR :fromlist ({ RANGETBLREF 1 }) :quals { EXPR :typeOid 16
:opType op :oper { OPER :opno 93 :opid 0 :opresulttype 16 } :args ({
VAR :varno 1 :varattno 1 :vartype 19 :vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 1} { CONST :consttype 19 :constlen 32
:constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  32 [ 110 111 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] })}} :rowMarks
() :targetList ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1 :restype 16
:restypmod -1 :resname usesuper :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref
0 :resjunk false } :expr { VAR :varno 1 :varattno 5 :vartype 16
:vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1 :varoattno 5}}) :groupClause
<> :havingQual <> :distinctClause <> :sortClause <> :limitOffset <>
:limitCount <> :setOperations <> :resultRelations ()}
DEBUG:  rewritten parse tree:
DEBUG:  { QUERY :command 1  :utility <> :resultRelation 0 :into <>
:isPortal false :isBinary false :isTemp false :hasAggs false
:hasSubLinks false :rtable ({ RTE :relname <> :relid 0  :subquery {
QUERY :command 1  :utility <> :resultRelation 0 :into <> :isPortal
false :isBinary false :isTemp false :hasAggs false :hasSubLinks false
:rtable ({ RTE :relname pg_user :relid 16478  :subquery <> :alias {
ATTR :relname *OLD* :attrs <>} :eref { ATTR :relname *OLD* :attrs (
"usename"   "usesysid"   "usecreatedb"   "usetrace"   "usesuper"
"usecatupd"   "passwd"   "valuntil" )} :inh false :inFromCl false
:checkForRead true :checkForWrite false :checkAsUser 0} { RTE :relname
pg_user :relid 16478  :subquery <> :alias { ATTR :relname *NEW* :attrs
<>} :eref { ATTR :relname *NEW* :attrs ( "usename"   "usesysid"
"usecreatedb"   "usetrace"   "usesuper"   "usecatupd"   "passwd"
"valuntil" )} :inh false :inFromCl false :checkForRead false
:checkForWrite false :checkAsUser 1} { RTE :relname pg_shadow :relid
1260  :subquery <> :alias <> :eref { ATTR :relname pg_shadow :attrs (
"usename"   "usesysid"   "usecreatedb"   "usetrace"   "usesuper"
"usecatupd"   "passwd"   "valuntil" )} :inh true :inFromCl true
:checkForRead true :checkForWrite false :checkAsUser 1}) :jointree {
FROMEXPR :fromlist ({ RANGETBLREF 3 }) :quals <>} :rowMarks ()
:targetList ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1 :restype 19
:restypmod -1 :resname usename :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref
0 :resjunk false } :expr { VAR :varno 3 :varattno 1 :vartype 19
:vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 3 :varoattno 1}} { TARGETENTRY
:resdom { RESDOM :resno 2 :restype 23 :restypmod -1 :resname usesysid
:reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { VAR
:varno 3 :varattno 2 :vartype 23 :vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 3 :varoattno 2}} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 3
:restype 16 :restypmod -1 :resname usecreatedb :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0
:ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { VAR :varno 3 :varattno 3
:vartype 16 :vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 3 :varoattno 3}} {
TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 4 :restype 16 :restypmod -1
:resname usetrace :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk
false } :expr { VAR :varno 3 :varattno 4 :vartype 16 :vartypmod -1
:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 3 :varoattno 4}} { TARGETENTRY :resdom {
RESDOM :resno 5 :restype 16 :restypmod -1 :resname usesuper :reskey 0
:reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { VAR :varno 3
:varattno 5 :vartype 16 :vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 3
:varoattno 5}} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 6 :restype 16
:restypmod -1 :resname usecatupd :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0
:ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { VAR :varno 3 :varattno 6
:vartype 16 :vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 3 :varoattno 6}} {
TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 7 :restype 25 :restypmod -1
:resname passwd :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk
false } :expr { CONST :consttype 25 :constlen -1 :constbyval false
:constisnull false :constvalue  12 [ 12 0 0 0 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
] }} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 8 :restype 702 :restypmod
-1 :resname valuntil :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk
false } :expr { VAR :varno 3 :varattno 8 :vartype 702 :vartypmod -1
:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 3 :varoattno 8}}) :groupClause <> :havingQual
<> :distinctClause <> :sortClause <> :limitOffset <> :limitCount <>
:setOperations <> :resultRelations ()} :alias <> :eref { ATTR :relname
pg_user :attrs ( "usename"   "usesysid"   "usecreatedb"   "usetrace"
"usesuper"   "usecatupd"   "passwd"   "valuntil" )} :inh false
:inFromCl true :checkForRead false :checkForWrite false :checkAsUser
0}) :jointree { FROMEXPR :fromlist ({ RANGETBLREF 1 }) :quals { EXPR
:typeOid 16  :opType op :oper { OPER :opno 93 :opid 0 :opresulttype 16
} :args ({ VAR :varno 1 :varattno 1 :vartype 19 :vartypmod -1
:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1 :varoattno 1} { CONST :consttype 19
:constlen 32 :constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  32 [
110 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
})}} :rowMarks () :targetList ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1
:restype 16 :restypmod -1 :resname usesuper :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0
:ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { VAR :varno 1 :varattno 5
:vartype 16 :vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1 :varoattno 5}})
:groupClause <> :havingQual <> :distinctClause <> :sortClause <>
:limitOffset <> :limitCount <> :setOperations <> :resultRelations ()}
DEBUG:  plan: { SEQSCAN :startup_cost 0.00 :total_cost 1.01 :rows 1
:width 1 :qptargetlist ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1
:restype 16 :restypmod -1 :resname usesuper :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0
:ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { VAR :varno 4 :varattno 5
:vartype 16 :vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 4 :varoattno 5}})
:qpqual ({ EXPR :typeOid 16  :opType op :oper { OPER :opno 93 :opid 62
:opresulttype 16 } :args ({ VAR :varno 4 :varattno 1 :vartype 19
:vartypmod -1  :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 4 :varoattno 1} { CONST
:consttype 19 :constlen 32 :constbyval false :constisnull false
:constvalue  32 [ 110 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] })}) :lefttree <> :righttree <> :extprm () :locprm
() :initplan <> :nprm 0  :scanrelid 4 }
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  query: insert into ss_user values (100,
DEBUG:  parse tree: { QUERY :command 3  :utility <> :resultRelation 1
:into <> :isPortal false :isBinary false :isTemp false :hasAggs false
:hasSubLinks false :rtable ({ RTE :relname ss_user :relid 24751
:subquery <> :alias <> :eref { ATTR :relname ss_user :attrs ( "userid"
  "username"   "passwd"   "firstname"   "lastname"   "email" )} :inh
false :inFromCl false :checkForRead false :checkForWrite true
:checkAsUser 0}) :jointree { FROMEXPR :fromlist <> :quals <>}
:rowMarks () :targetList ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1
:restype 23 :restypmod -1 :resname userid :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0
:ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { CONST :consttype 23
:constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :constvalue  4 [ 100 0
0 0 ] }} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 2 :restype 1043
:restypmod 24 :resname username :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref
0 :resjunk false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid 1043  :opType func :oper {
FUNC :funcid 669 :functype 1043 } :args ({ CONST :consttype 1043
:constlen -1 :constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  9 [ 9 0
0 0 97 100 109 105 110 ] } { CONST :consttype 23 :constlen 4
:constbyval true :constisnull false :constvalue  4 [ 24 0 0 0 ] })}} {
TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 3 :restype 1043 :restypmod 24
:resname passwd :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk
false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid 1043  :opType func :oper { FUNC :funcid
669 :functype 1043 } :args ({ CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1
:constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  10 [ 10 0 0 0 97 100
109 105 110 46 ] } { CONST :consttype 23 :constlen 4 :constbyval true
:constisnull false :constvalue  4 [ 24 0 0 0 ] })}} { TARGETENTRY
:resdom { RESDOM :resno 4 :restype 1043 :restypmod 44 :resname
firstname :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false }
:expr { EXPR :typeOid 1043  :opType func :oper { FUNC :funcid 669
:functype 1043 } :args ({ CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1
:constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  6 [ 6 0 0 0 97 100 ]
} { CONST :consttype 23 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull
false :constvalue  4 [ 44 0 0 0 ] })}} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM
:resno 5 :restype 1043 :restypmod 44 :resname lastname :reskey 0
:reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid
1043  :opType func :oper { FUNC :funcid 669 :functype 1043 } :args ({
CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1 :constbyval false :constisnull
false :constvalue  7 [ 7 0 0 0 109 105 110 ] } { CONST :consttype 23
:constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :constvalue  4 [ 44 0
0 0 ] })}} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 6 :restype 1043
:restypmod 104 :resname email :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0
:resjunk false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid 1043  :opType func :oper { FUNC
:funcid 669 :functype 1043 } :args ({ CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen
-1 :constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  19 [ 19 0 0 0 116
114 101 118 64 116 114 101 118 46 99 111 46 110 122 ] } { CONST
:consttype 23 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false
:constvalue  4 [ 104 0 0 0 ] })}}) :groupClause <> :havingQual <>
:distinctClause <> :sortClause <> :limitOffset <> :limitCount <>
:setOperations <> :resultRelations ()}
DEBUG:  rewritten parse tree:
DEBUG:  { QUERY :command 3  :utility <> :resultRelation 1 :into <>
:isPortal false :isBinary false :isTemp false :hasAggs false
:hasSubLinks false :rtable ({ RTE :relname ss_user :relid 24751
:subquery <> :alias <> :eref { ATTR :relname ss_user :attrs ( "userid"
  "username"   "passwd"   "firstname"   "lastname"   "email" )} :inh
false :inFromCl false :checkForRead false :checkForWrite true
:checkAsUser 0}) :jointree { FROMEXPR :fromlist <> :quals <>}
:rowMarks () :targetList ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1
:restype 23 :restypmod -1 :resname userid :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0
:ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { CONST :consttype 23
:constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :constvalue  4 [ 100 0
0 0 ] }} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 2 :restype 1043
:restypmod 24 :resname username :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref
0 :resjunk false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid 1043  :opType func :oper {
FUNC :funcid 669 :functype 1043 } :args ({ CONST :consttype 1043
:constlen -1 :constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  9 [ 9 0
0 0 97 100 109 105 110 ] } { CONST :consttype 23 :constlen 4
:constbyval true :constisnull false :constvalue  4 [ 24 0 0 0 ] })}} {
TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 3 :restype 1043 :restypmod 24
:resname passwd :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk
false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid 1043  :opType func :oper { FUNC :funcid
669 :functype 1043 } :args ({ CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1
:constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  10 [ 10 0 0 0 97 100
109 105 110 46 ] } { CONST :consttype 23 :constlen 4 :constbyval true
:constisnull false :constvalue  4 [ 24 0 0 0 ] })}} { TARGETENTRY
:resdom { RESDOM :resno 4 :restype 1043 :restypmod 44 :resname
firstname :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false }
:expr { EXPR :typeOid 1043  :opType func :oper { FUNC :funcid 669
:functype 1043 } :args ({ CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1
:constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  6 [ 6 0 0 0 97 100 ]
} { CONST :consttype 23 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull
false :constvalue  4 [ 44 0 0 0 ] })}} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM
:resno 5 :restype 1043 :restypmod 44 :resname lastname :reskey 0
:reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid
1043  :opType func :oper { FUNC :funcid 669 :functype 1043 } :args ({
CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1 :constbyval false :constisnull
false :constvalue  7 [ 7 0 0 0 109 105 110 ] } { CONST :consttype 23
:constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :constvalue  4 [ 44 0
0 0 ] })}} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 6 :restype 1043
:restypmod 104 :resname email :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0
:resjunk false } :expr { EXPR :typeOid 1043  :opType func :oper { FUNC
:funcid 669 :functype 1043 } :args ({ CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen
-1 :constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  19 [ 19 0 0 0 116
114 101 118 64 116 114 101 118 46 99 111 46 110 122 ] } { CONST
:consttype 23 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false
:constvalue  4 [ 104 0 0 0 ] })}}) :groupClause <> :havingQual <>
:distinctClause <> :sortClause <> :limitOffset <> :limitCount <>
:setOperations <> :resultRelations ()}
DEBUG:  plan: { RESULT :startup_cost 0.00 :total_cost 0.01 :rows 1
:width 0 :qptargetlist ({ TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 1
:restype 23 :restypmod -1 :resname userid :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0
:ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { CONST :consttype 23
:constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :constvalue  4 [ 100 0
0 0 ] }} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 2 :restype 1043
:restypmod 24 :resname username :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref
0 :resjunk false } :expr { CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1
:constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  9 [ 9 0 0 0 97 100
109 105 110 ] }} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 3 :restype 1043
:restypmod 24 :resname passwd :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0
:resjunk false } :expr { CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1
:constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  10 [ 10 0 0 0 97 100
109 105 110 46 ] }} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 4 :restype
1043 :restypmod 44 :resname firstname :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0
:ressortgroupref 0 :resjunk false } :expr { CONST :consttype 1043
:constlen -1 :constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  6 [ 6 0
0 0 97 100 ] }} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 5 :restype 1043
:restypmod 44 :resname lastname :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref
0 :resjunk false } :expr { CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1
:constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  7 [ 7 0 0 0 109 105
110 ] }} { TARGETENTRY :resdom { RESDOM :resno 6 :restype 1043
:restypmod 104 :resname email :reskey 0 :reskeyop 0 :ressortgroupref 0
:resjunk false } :expr { CONST :consttype 1043 :constlen -1
:constbyval false :constisnull false :constvalue  19 [ 19 0 0 0 116
114 101 118 64 116 114 101 118 46 99 111 46 110 122 ] }}) :qpqual <>
:lefttree <> :righttree <> :extprm () :locprm () :initplan <> :nprm 0
:resconstantqual <>}
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
NOTICE:  bt_getroot[booker_user_pk]: fixing root page
ERROR:  bt_fixroot: not valid old root page
DEBUG:  AbortCurrentTransaction
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG:  exit(0)
DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
DEBUG:  child process (pid 637475) exited with exit code 0
DEBUG:  pmdie 15
DEBUG:  smart shutdown request
DEBUG:  shutting down
DEBUG:  database system is shut down
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG:  exit(0)
DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG:  exit(0)

Re: ERROR: bt_fixroot: not valid old root page

Tom Lane
Date: (Trev) writes:
> NOTICE:  bt_getroot[booker_user_pk]: fixing root page
> ERROR:  bt_fixroot: not valid old root page

Easiest way out is probably to REINDEX booker_user_pk.

            regards, tom lane

Re: ERROR: bt_fixroot: not valid old root page

From (Trev)
Date: (Trev) wrote in message news:<>...
> Hi,
> I'm getting the following error message and am hoping that someone can
> tell me why and what to do to fix it:

I became impatient, deleted the old database and re-ran initdb. This
seems to have fixed it, with the downside that I still have no idea
what went wrong.