Thread: update problem?

update problem?

"Juergen G. Mischke"
Could it be true??

I've a table with < 46000 rows. And a little Update like

UPDATE foo set xxx = 'X';

needs about 15 seconds???

What's wrong?



Re: update problem?

Stephan Szabo
On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, Juergen G. Mischke wrote:

> Could it be true??
> I've a table with < 46000 rows. And a little Update like
> UPDATE foo set xxx = 'X';
> needs about 15 seconds???
> What's wrong?

Does the table have any foreign key constraints or other
tables that reference it in foreign key constraints?  What's
the schema of the table?

Re: update problem?

Jörg Schulz

I'm working with Juergen at the same Problem.

Consider the following table:

 > create table test (a char);

Now fill the table with some data from test.txt
(100.000 rows each row one character)

 > \copy test from test.txt

Now update the table

 > update test set a='x';

This takes nearly 3 seconds. That would be ok for us.
But adding a column and fill it with some data

 > alter table test add b text;
 > update test set b='foobar...foobar...foobar...   ...';

now the update

 > update test set a='y';

takes 8 seconds. When I add further columns or increase
the amount of data a column holds it gets even worse.

Before the column was added explain said:

 > explain update test set a='x';
 > Seq Scan on test2  (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=6)

(btw: why rows=1000? there are 100.000 rows in the table)

And after it was added:

 > explain update test set a='y';
 > Seq Scan on test2  (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=38)

And for our "real world" table (plain table, no foreign keys) it says:

 > explain update karte_archiv set ar_k_rechmod='2';
 > Seq Scan on karte_archiv  (cost=0.00..1609.99 rows=45399 width=359)

This update takes over 30 seconds!
It uses 7 or 8 logfiles in the pg_xlog directory 16MB each.
But does this explain why it take *so* long?


Re: update problem?

Jürgen Mischke
Hi Stephan,

nothin at all. There're  no contraints in the table.

Take a look at the schema :

create table KARTE_ARCHIV
    AR_KARTENNR         VARCHAR(8)               not null,
    AR_KARTE_OBJEKT     VARCHAR(8)               not null,
    AR_K_ERST_DATUM     DATE                          ,
    AR_K_RUECK_DATUM    DATE                          ,
    AR_KARTENDRUCKTYP   CHAR                       ,
    AR_K_NUMMER         VARCHAR(8)                       ,
    AR_K_OBJ_NR         VARCHAR(8)                       ,
    AR_K_TOUR           VARCHAR(2)                       ,
    AR_K_GEDRUCK        DATE                          ,
    AR_K_GERECHNET      CHAR                       ,
    AR_K_RECHDAT        DATE                          ,
    AR_K_ANZ_POS        INTEGER                       ,
    AR_K_ANZ_MIT        INTEGER                       ,
    AR_K_BEMERKUNG      VARCHAR(200)                     ,
    AR_K_LEISTUNG       TEXT                  ,
    AR_RECHGEDRUCKT     CHAR                       ,
    AR_K_ERLEDIGT_AM    DATE                          ,
    AR_K_KUNDE          VARCHAR(60)                      ,
    AR_K_OBJEKT         VARCHAR(60)                      ,
    AR_K_RECHMOD        CHAR

(and some indexes too)

That's all. Any idea??

Shared table across all databases

There are some ways to create or make table shared across all databases in
the cluster?
I have created a table in the template1 and I updated his definition in
pg_class like in the exemple below:
$ psql template1
template1=# CREATE TABLE shared_table (ID SERIAL8,
create sequence......
create index ...........
template1=# UPDATE pg_class SET relisshared = TRUE WHERE relname
 template1=# insert into shared_table values (1, 'test');
NOTICE:  RelationBuildDesc: can't open shared_table: No such file or
ERROR:  cannot open shared_table: No such file or directory
NOTICE:  RelationBuildDesc: can't open shared_table: No such file or
ERROR:  cannot open shared_table: No such file or directory

So, I made some investigation and I realised that shared tables are stored
in C:\cygwin\usr\local\pgsql\data\global.
But the shared_table I created is stored in the
There is some command which allows shared tables creation?
Thanks for your help.

Re: update problem?

Stephan Szabo
On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, [iso-8859-1] J�rgen Mischke wrote:

> Hi Stephan,
> nothin at all. There're  no contraints in the table.
> That's all. Any idea??

Have you vacuumed the table recently?  I wonder if you've
got a lot of dead rows to ignore.

Re: update problem?

Stephan Szabo
On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, [ISO-8859-1] J�rg Schulz wrote:

> Before the column was added explain said:
>  > explain update test set a='x';
>  > Seq Scan on test2  (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=6)
> (btw: why rows=1000? there are 100.000 rows in the table)

Because you haven't vacuum analyzed since loading the data.
If you're doing an update of every row of a table, you almost
certainly want to at least do a normal vacuum (and possibly
a vacuum analyze) of the table afterwards.

Re: update problem?

Vivek Khera
>>>>> "JS" == Jörg Schulz <> writes:

JS> This update takes over 30 seconds!
JS> It uses 7 or 8 logfiles in the pg_xlog directory 16MB each.
JS> But does this explain why it take *so* long?

Try running a vacuum between your updates.  Perhaps you're using more
disk pages than you can fit into memory, causing lots of disk I/O.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet:       Rockville, MD       +1-240-453-8497
AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera