Thread: How do I install Postgre on Windows NT?

How do I install Postgre on Windows NT?

"Alejandro Delu"
I want to Install Postgre 7.2.1 on windows Nt.
What do I need to install this RDBMS?
Does somebody have any books (in PDF Format) about Installation and Administration Postgresql on Windows NT?

Re: How do I install Postgre on Windows NT?

"Joshua b. Jore"
You'll want to install cygwin, the ipc daemon (search on google about
cygwin, ipc and maybe postgresql) and the postgresql package. Also join
the cygwin specific list as this one doesn't address those issues

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On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, Alejandro Delu wrote:

> I want to Install Postgre 7.2.1 on windows Nt.
> What do I need to install this RDBMS?
> Does somebody have any books (in PDF Format) about Installation and Administration Postgresql on Windows NT?
> Thanks..
> alejandro.

Re: How do I install Postgre on Windows NT?

I was wondering the same thing... We got it working under Cygwin but
companies like dbExpress say they have NT services running PostgreSQL thus,
not requiring Cygwin.

Cygwin, unfortunately, takes up an enormous amount of disk space.

We have not found any ports for NT or Novell other than binary releases.

Anyone know of any pure, non-cygwin, versions of PostgreSQL for NT or


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> I want to Install Postgre 7.2.1 on windows Nt.
> What do I need to install this RDBMS?
> Does somebody have any books (in PDF Format) about Installation and
> tration Postgresql on Windows NT?
> Thanks..
> alejandro.
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> <DIV><FONT face=3D"Book Antiqua" size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
> <DIV><FONT face=3D"Book Antiqua" size=3D2>Does somebody have any books (in
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> NT?</FONT></DIV>
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> <DIV><FONT face=3D"Book Antiqua" size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
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