Thread: Help...


Is there any table in postgres ,for eg pg_constraints, where in i can get the references for all the fields of a particular table in the data base?
Consider this..
    I have
        item master -- Item_code, Item Name
        supplier master -- supplier_code, supplier_name
        supplier_item_catalogue -- supplier_code references supplier master, item_code references item master
Now , if i select table supplier_item_catalogue for any reason from pg_tables, i should know that related tables item_master and supplier_master are also to be selected.
How can i do this using php /postgres?

Re: Help...

Joel Burton
On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, sheetal wrote:

> Is there any table in postgres ,for eg pg_constraints, where in i can get the references for all the fields of a
particulartable in the data base? 
> Consider this..
>     I have
>         item master -- Item_code, Item Name
>         supplier master -- supplier_code, supplier_name
>         supplier_item_catalogue -- supplier_code references supplier master, item_code references item master
> Now , if i select table supplier_item_catalogue for any reason from pg_tables, i should know that related tables
item_masterand supplier_master are also to be selected. 
> How can i do this using php /postgres?

There's some help in, in the mini-HOWTO I wrote on
Hacking the Referential Integrity Tables. This should point you in the
right direction.


Joel BURTON  |  |  |  aim: wjoelburton
Independent Knowledge Management Consultant