Thread: horrendous query challenge :-)

horrendous query challenge :-)

Fran Fabrizio

I'm posting this sort of as a learning exercise to see how others
approach a slow query and what steps they take to optimize it.  I'm
aware that this query is pretty hideous, but unfortunately it's all too
typical of the type of thing our app is asked to do.  It's a join of
five tables (rather, 4 tables and a view).  There are as of yet no
indexes defined - that part of the process I want to learn - where to
apply indexes most effectively.

The following query takes several minutes to run.  current_status_test
is a view, definition at the end of this email.  My coworker authored
this query.  He's a SQL novice, and I'm somewhere in the
novice-intermediate range, so when his queries run slow, it falls to me
to try to optimize them.  Unfortunately, I'm not very good at this
particular activity. :-)  What steps would you all take to try to speed
up this query?  I'm interested to see peoples' various approaches.  I'll
try them all out and report execution times before and after.

Thanks for your time!


monitor=# explain select
from current_status_test cs, entity e, site s, region r,watch w where
cs.entity_id in (select entity_id from entity where active=true) and
cs.current = false and cs.msgtype=w.msg_type and e.entity_id =
cs.entity_id and s.region_id = r.region_id and cs.site_id = s.site_id
order by cs.remote_ts desc,,;

Sort  (cost=100018792.67..100018792.67 rows=1 width=108)
  ->  Merge Join  (cost=100018792.56..100018792.66 rows=1 width=108)
        ->  Sort  (cost=100018791.39..100018791.39 rows=1 width=92)
              ->  Nested Loop  (cost=100018729.68..100018791.38 rows=1
                    ->  Hash Join  (cost=18729.68..18783.58 rows=1 width=72)
                          ->  Hash Join  (cost=18728.30..18780.56
rows=28 width=56)
                                ->  Seq Scan on entity e
(cost=0.00..16.74 rows=874 width=28)
                                ->  Hash  (cost=18728.19..18728.19
rows=45 width=28)
                                      ->  Hash Join
(cost=3.58..18728.19 rows=45 width=28)
                                            ->  Seq Scan on
entity_watch_map e  (cost=0.00..18720.79 rows=89 width=16)
                                                    ->  Seq Scan on
entity  (cost=0.00..18.93 rows=451 width=4)
                                            ->  Hash  (cost=3.53..3.53
rows=22 width=12)
                                                  ->  Hash Join
(cost=1.11..3.53 rows=22 width=12)
                                                        ->  Seq Scan on
classifications class  (cost=0.00..1.26 rows=26 width=8)
                                                        ->  Hash
(cost=1.09..1.09 rows=9 width=4)
                                                              ->  Seq
Scan on categories cat  (cost=0.00..1.09 rows=9 width=4)
                          ->  Hash  (cost=1.30..1.30 rows=30 width=16)
                                ->  Seq Scan on watch w
(cost=0.00..1.30 rows=30 width=16)
                    ->  Seq Scan on site s  (cost=0.00..5.52 rows=152
        ->  Sort  (cost=1.17..1.17 rows=7 width=16)
              ->  Seq Scan on region r  (cost=0.00..1.07 rows=7 width=16)


current_status_test definition:

View definition: SELECT findsite(e.entity_id) AS site_id, e.entity_id,
get_status(e.entity_id, e.watch_id) AS status, e.watch_id, e.msg_type AS
msgtype, AS msgcat, 'Ok' AS message, now() AS local_ts,
e.last_contact AS remote_ts, e.current FROM entity_watch_map e,
classifications class, categories cat WHERE (((e.last_contact >
"timestamp"((date(now()) - 180))) AND (e.msg_type = class.msg_type)) AND
(class.category_id = cat.category_id));

Re: horrendous query challenge :-)

Tom Lane
Fran Fabrizio <> writes:
> I'm posting this sort of as a learning exercise to see how others
> approach a slow query and what steps they take to optimize it.

You haven't really given us enough information.  For starters, do the
row count estimates shown in EXPLAIN have any relationship to reality?
(Posting EXPLAIN ANALYZE results, if you are on 7.2, would help answer
that question.)  Possibly even more relevant is what the functions used
in the view definition do --- it's not unlikely that the function
evaluations are where much of the time goes.

> monitor=# explain select
> cs.entity_id,e.type,,w.interface_label,cs.remote_ts,,
> from current_status_test cs, entity e, site s, region r,watch w where
> cs.entity_id in (select entity_id from entity where active=true) and
> cs.current = false and cs.msgtype=w.msg_type and e.entity_id =
> cs.entity_id and s.region_id = r.region_id and cs.site_id = s.site_id
> order by cs.remote_ts desc,,;

IN is almost always bad news.  Is entity.entity_id a unique key?  If so
I'd think you could rewrite this into a join ... but wait, you're
*already* joining to entity.  Isn't the
    cs.entity_id in (select entity_id from entity where active=true)
clause replaceable by just = true
given that you have e.entity_id = cs.entity_id in there already?

> View definition: SELECT findsite(e.entity_id) AS site_id, e.entity_id,
> get_status(e.entity_id, e.watch_id) AS status, e.watch_id, e.msg_type AS
> msgtype, AS msgcat, 'Ok' AS message, now() AS local_ts,
> e.last_contact AS remote_ts, e.current FROM entity_watch_map e,
> classifications class, categories cat WHERE (((e.last_contact >
> "timestamp"((date(now()) - 180))) AND (e.msg_type = class.msg_type)) AND
> (class.category_id = cat.category_id));

The e.last_contact > "timestamp"((date(now()) - 180)) clause will not be
indexable without some rework (at least not in PG 7.2 and earlier ---
this will be a nonissue once 7.3 comes out).  I am not sure how much
that matters; the clause may not be selective enough to justify trying
to indexscan on last_contact anyhow.  Again it's tough to say much in
advance of seeing EXPLAIN ANALYZE results.

            regards, tom lane

Re: horrendous query challenge :-)

Shaun Thomas
On Wed, 29 May 2002, Fran Fabrizio wrote:

> cs.entity_id,e.type,,w.interface_label,cs.remote_ts,,
> from current_status_test cs, entity e, site s, region r,watch w where
> cs.entity_id in (select entity_id from entity where active=true) and
> cs.current = false and cs.msgtype=w.msg_type and e.entity_id =
> cs.entity_id and s.region_id = r.region_id and cs.site_id = s.site_id
> order by cs.remote_ts desc,,;

Um... eww?  Let's make that a *little* more readable, shall we?

SELECT cs.entity_id, e.type,, w.interface_label,
  FROM current_status_test cs, entity e, site s,
       region r, watch w
 WHERE cs.entity_id in (select entity_id from entity where active=true)
   AND cs.current = false
   AND cs.msgtype=w.msg_type
   AND e.entity_id = cs.entity_id
   AND s.region_id = r.region_id
   AND cs.site_id = s.site_id
 ORDER BY cs.remote_ts desc,,;

Ok, now that we have that taken care of, first suggestion is to ditch
the "in" clause.  Postgres is notorious about not doing those very well.
Looking at the query, you don't need it, it can be part of the where
clause directly.  You can replace it with " = true".

Since you're already including the entity table, why not use it?  Now
you have this:

SELECT cs.entity_id, e.type,, w.interface_label,
  FROM current_status_test cs, entity e, site s,
       region r, watch w
 WHERE cs.current = false
   AND cs.msgtype = w.msg_type
   AND cs.entity_id = e.entity_id
   AND = true
   AND cs.site_id = s.site_id
   AND s.region_id = r.region_id
 ORDER BY cs.remote_ts desc,,;

Not much different, but I bet it'll work better.  As far as indexes go,
I'd follow the obvious route and index all of your "_id" columns, if
they're not already.  I'd suggest putting one on msg_type too as it
also appears in your view.

But wait, you have a view in there... let's rewrite that too.  Since
you're using and, all of the where parenthesis can go bye-bye.  You also
don't need to date(now()) as now() is already a date.

SELECT findsite(e.entity_id) AS site_id, e.entity_id,
       get_status(e.entity_id, e.watch_id) AS status,
       e.watch_id, e.msg_type AS msgtype, AS msgcat,
       'Ok' AS message, now() AS local_ts,
       e.last_contact AS remote_ts, e.current
  FROM entity_watch_map e, classifications class, categories cat
 WHERE e.last_contact > "timestamp"(now() - 180)
   AND e.msg_type = class.msg_type
   AND class.category_id = cat.category_id;

Yow.  That's some view.  You're essentially joining 7 tables overall,
not 5.  That can't be pretty.  ^_^  Anyway, I'd index msg_type, and
category_id from this select.  Not much you can do with anything else.

But also consider that you're simply adding information from the
classifications and categories tables.  You use none of this information
in your query at all.  Why even use the view?  The view restricts to
things newwer than 180 days, but you can put that in your select itself.
You're left with:

SELECT wm.entity_id, e.type,, w.interface_label,
       wm.last_contact AS remote_ts,,
  FROM entity_watch_map wm, entity e, site s,
       region r, watch w
 WHERE wm.last_contact > "timestamp"(now() - 180)
   AND wm.current = false
   AND wm.msg_type = w.msg_type
   AND wm.entity_id = e.entity_id
   AND = true
   AND findsite(wm.entity_id) = s.site_id
   AND s.region_id = r.region_id
 ORDER BY wm.last_contact desc,,;

And there you go.  I just essentially chopped two tables off of your
total query plan.  Tables you don't need, and tables you don't use data
from in this particular query, if my guess is right.

So, all in all, you've lost an unnecessary IN clause, and chopped off
two unnecessary table joins.  Index the *_id columns and msg_type,
vacuum analyze, and try running this again.

That's about all I can see.  But it should be more than enough.

| Shaun M. Thomas                INN Database Administrator           |
| Phone: (309) 743-0812          Fax  : (309) 743-0830                |
| Email:    AIM  : trifthen                      |
| Web  :                                             |
|                                                                     |
|     "Most of our lives are about proving something, either to       |
|      ourselves or to someone else."                                 |
|                                           -- Anonymous              |

Re: horrendous query challenge :-)

Fran Fabrizio
Ok, I've taken Shaun and Tom's advice, and I've also loaded the schema
and data into a 7.2 devel machine in order to produce EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Shaun and Tom pointed out that I could remove the IN, and Shaun also
showed me that including the view in the join was unnecessary, so we
ended up with the final query of:

SELECT wm.entity_id, e.type,, w.interface_label,
       wm.last_contact AS remote_ts,,
  FROM entity_watch_map wm, entity e, site s,
       region r, watch w
 WHERE wm.last_contact > "timestamp"(now() - 180)
   AND wm.current = false
   AND wm.msg_type = w.msg_type
   AND wm.entity_id = e.entity_id
   AND = true
   AND findsite(wm.entity_id) = s.site_id
   AND s.region_id = r.region_id
 ORDER BY wm.last_contact desc,,;

I created indexes on all the *_id columns as well as the msg_type
columns, but as you can see from the output below, they aren't being
used (these tables are small so that doesn't surprise me).

Performance is about 2-3x's better, but still taking around 40s.  Now
that we've eliminated the view and it's function calls, and the IN, this
seems pretty straightforward.  My next stop was to check on the one
remaining function call, the findsite() in the where clause.  But, I
have spent about a week's time in the past working on that one and it's
fairly well optimized, down to about .003 seconds per call.  Small bit
of evidence:

monitor=# select now(); select findsite(10950); select now();
 2002-05-30 13:16:50.519125-04
(1 row)

(1 row)

 2002-05-30 13:16:50.522812-04
(1 row)


Calling it with several other values produces the same results.  So I'm
not sure that's the bottleneck.  Then, I tried to read through the
EXPLAIN ANALYZE output of the new and improved query, and it looks like
the hit is coming on the nested loop.  So  I thought maybe setting
enable_nestloop = false would show something interesting, so I edit
postgresql.conf, restart, run again, and get the same exact EXPLAIN
ANALYZE output (showing that it's still doing a nested loop anyhow).

At this point, I'm past my expertise.  Are there other areas of this
query I can look to improve upon?  Here is the EXPLAIN ANALYZE output.
 The row counts are accurate to the reality, too (Tom had asked).

monitor=# explain analyze SELECT wm.entity_id, e.type,,
monitor-#        wm.last_contact AS remote_ts,,
monitor-#   FROM entity_watch_map wm, entity e, site s,
monitor-#        region r, watch w
monitor-#  WHERE wm.last_contact > "timestamp"(now() - 180)
monitor-#    AND wm.current = false
monitor-#    AND wm.msg_type = w.msg_type
monitor-#    AND wm.entity_id = e.entity_id
monitor-#    AND = true
monitor-#    AND findsite(wm.entity_id) = s.site_id
monitor-#    AND s.region_id = r.region_id
monitor-#  ORDER BY wm.last_contact desc,,;

Sort  (cost=469.67..469.67 rows=39 width=102) (actual
time=38170.90..38171.06 rows=202 loops=1)
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=72.86..468.65 rows=39 width=102) (actual
time=222.59..38163.46 rows=202 loops=1)
        ->  Hash Join  (cost=71.49..466.08 rows=36 width=84) (actual
time=222.25..38160.23 rows=202 loops=1)
              ->  Nested Loop  (cost=70.40..464.37 rows=36 width=69)
(actual time=222.03..38156.67 rows=202 loops=1)
                    ->  Hash Join  (cost=70.40..100.27 rows=47 width=38)
(actual time=33.58..41.06 rows=202 loops=1)
                          ->  Seq Scan on entity e  (cost=0.00..19.02
rows=513 width=22) (actual time=0.13..4.52 rows=513 loops=1)
                          ->  Hash  (cost=70.20..70.20 rows=80 width=16)
(actual time=32.98..32.98 rows=0 loops=1)
                                ->  Seq Scan on entity_watch_map wm
(cost=0.00..70.20 rows=80 width=16) (actual time=0.15..32.36 rows=240
                    ->  Seq Scan on site s  (cost=0.00..5.53 rows=153
width=31) (actual time=0.01..1.02 rows=153 loops=202)
              ->  Hash  (cost=1.07..1.07 rows=7 width=15) (actual
time=0.14..0.14 rows=0 loops=1)
                    ->  Seq Scan on region r  (cost=0.00..1.07 rows=7
width=15) (actual time=0.09..0.11 rows=7 loops=1)
        ->  Hash  (cost=1.30..1.30 rows=30 width=18) (actual
time=0.30..0.30 rows=0 loops=1)
              ->  Seq Scan on watch w  (cost=0.00..1.30 rows=30
width=18) (actual time=0.10..0.20 rows=30 loops=1)
Total runtime: 38171.52 msec


Thank you for your continued help, I've learned a lot already.


Re: horrendous query challenge :-)

Tom Lane
Fran Fabrizio <> writes:
> Performance is about 2-3x's better, but still taking around 40s.  Now
> that we've eliminated the view and it's function calls, and the IN, this
> seems pretty straightforward.  My next stop was to check on the one
> remaining function call, the findsite() in the where clause.  But, I
> have spent about a week's time in the past working on that one and it's
> fairly well optimized, down to about .003 seconds per call.

Nonetheless, it's being evaluated 202*153 or almost 31000 times per
query.  Your .003 is an overestimate since it includes all the overhead
of query parsing/planning, but it still appears that those function
calls are the bulk of the runtime.

What is findsite doing exactly?  If it's a table lookup, maybe you could
inline it into this query and get some optimization.

            regards, tom lane

Re: horrendous query challenge :-)

Tom Lane
I said:
> Your .003 is an overestimate since it includes all the overhead
> of query parsing/planning, but it still appears that those function
> calls are the bulk of the runtime.

BTW, a more accurate estimate of function execution time could be had
like this:

regression=# select timeofday(), timeofday();
              timeofday              |              timeofday
 Thu May 30 15:05:32.838542 2002 EDT | Thu May 30 15:05:32.838718 2002 EDT
(1 row)

regression=# select 838718-838542;
(1 row)

regression=# select timeofday(), recursion_test(22,42), timeofday();
              timeofday              |                       recursion_test                        |

 Thu May 30 15:05:57.342504 2002 EDT | 22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,42 | Thu May 30
15:05:57.3473982002 EDT 
(1 row)

regression=# select 347398-342504;
(1 row)

so I can conclude that recursion_test() took about 4.7 msec.

On my machine this technique seems to yield measurements good to 10
microsec or so.  Note you have to use timeofday() and not now().

            regards, tom lane

Re: horrendous query challenge :-)

Fran Fabrizio
>What is findsite doing exactly?  If it's a table lookup, maybe you could
>inline it into this query and get some optimization.
>            regards, tom lane

You hit the nail on the head.

The findsite(entity_id) plpgsql function queries the 'entity' table
recursively.  'Entity' table has entity_id, parent_id (which is another
entity_id in the 'entity' table) and type (such as S for site, H for
host, etc...).  My data is organized in a heirarchy
site-host-app-practice, so in the worst case findsite recurses three
times when called with an entity_id of a practice.  However, to optimize
findsite (and it's cousins findhost and findregion), I created a table
called findparent_cache which has entity_id, parent_id, and type (of the
parent).  When you call findsite() it checks first to see if it's
computed this particular value before (it would find it in the
findparent_cache).  There are only approx. 800 entity ids in the entity
table, so after 1 loop over the entity table with findsite(), it should
be hitting 100% cache, and thus it becomes a simple table lookup on

To test Tom's hypothesis, I ensured that findparent_cache was fully
populated, and changed the query to...

SELECT wm.entity_id, e.type,, w.interface_label,
      wm.last_contact AS remote_ts,,  FROM
entity_watch_map wm, entity e, site s,
      region r, watch w, findparent_cache fpc
WHERE wm.last_contact > "timestamp"(now() - 180)
  AND wm.current = false
  AND wm.msg_type = w.msg_type
  AND wm.entity_id = e.entity_id
  AND = true
  AND wm.entity_id = fpc.entity_id
  AND fpc.type = 'S'
  AND fpc.parent_id = s.site_id
  AND s.region_id = r.region_id
ORDER BY wm.last_contact desc,,;

at which point the query runs pretty much instantly.

That's an awful lot of overhead for that poor function.  findsite() is a
key function that we use all over the place.  I thought it was fairly
efficient but this demonstrates how it can quickly get out of hand.  I
suppose if I could always ensure that findsite_cache was completely
populated, we could always just hit that directly.  Since "what is the
site id of the site that holds this entity?" is such a common question,
we really should have it in a table as opposed to a function lookup,
huh?  Does even the simplest plpgsql function have this kind of
overhead?  Or is my function poorly written?  Here is the function code....

create function findsite(int4) returns int4 as '
    child alias for $1;
    thesite int4;
    select parent_id into thesite from findparent_cache where entity_id
= child and type = ''S'';
    if not found then
      select findparenttype(child, ''S'') into thesite;
      execute ''insert into findparent_cache values ('' || child ||
'','' || thesite || '',''''S'''')'';
    end if;
    return thesite;
' language 'plpgsql';

create function findparenttype(int4, varchar) returns int4 as '
  select parent.entity_id from entity parent, entity child
  where child.entity_id = $1
    and child.lft between parent.lft and parent.rgt
    and parent.type = $2;
' language 'sql';

The 'entity' table implements the Celko nested set model, thus the lft's
and rgt's and self-join.

Could these functions be written more efficiently, or am I just
witnessing the overhead of functions, and I should avoid them unless I'm
using them in O(1) situations?

Thanks for all the help,

Re: horrendous query challenge :-)

Tom Lane
Fran Fabrizio <> writes:
> ... at which point the query runs pretty much instantly.

> That's an awful lot of overhead for that poor function.  findsite() is a
> key function that we use all over the place.  I thought it was fairly
> efficient but this demonstrates how it can quickly get out of hand.  I
> suppose if I could always ensure that findsite_cache was completely
> populated, we could always just hit that directly.  Since "what is the
> site id of the site that holds this entity?" is such a common question,
> we really should have it in a table as opposed to a function lookup,
> huh?  Does even the simplest plpgsql function have this kind of
> overhead?  Or is my function poorly written?

The problem is not that there's anything wrong with the function on its
own terms.  The problem is that the query planner has no idea what the
semantics of findsite( = are, and so it has no alternative
but to execute the query as a nested loop: compare every row of A to
every row of B, computing findsite() again for each such comparison.
And each findsite call performs an independent probe into
findparent_cache, making the thing effectively equivalent to a
three-level nested loop.

You did not show the query plan being used after you converted this
to a join against findparent_cache, but obviously it's a lot better than
a 3-level nested loop...

It would have helped if the planner had computed findsite( only
once per row of A.  In the current scheme of things I believe that would
happen if B were being scanned with an inner indexscan, but
unfortunately B was too small to justify an indexscan.  (The extra cost
of re-evaluating findsite isn't weighted sufficiently high in making
that choice, because the planner doesn't know that findsite() is any
more expensive than any other function.)

However, the real lesson is that pushing table lookups down into
functions prevents the planner from optimizing those lookups as joins.

            regards, tom lane

Re: horrendous query challenge :-)

Shaun Thomas
On Thu, 30 May 2002, Fran Fabrizio wrote:

Looking at your function, it looks like you're doing something some
databases allow you to do, mainly sending parameters to views.  Knowing
this, and the fact that your function creates a self-join.  Now think
about it for a second.  You already know in this query the parent id
you're looking for:  s.site_id, right?  Drop the function, and make it
an exists query.  Basically you're now asking, "as a parent, does
this site_id have a type of 's' and a child in the wm table?" The
planner gets more info, and it just might help. Try this... it's ugly,
but it's there:

SELECT wm.entity_id, e.type,, w.interface_label,
       wm.last_contact AS remote_ts,,
  FROM entity_watch_map wm, entity e, site s,
       region r, watch w
 WHERE wm.last_contact > "timestamp"(now() - 180)
   AND wm.current = false
   AND wm.msg_type = w.msg_type
   AND wm.entity_id = e.entity_id
   AND = true
         SELECT 1 FROM entity p, entity c
          WHERE p.entity_id = s.site_id AND c.entity_id = wm.entity_id
            AND p.type = 'S' AND c.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt )
   AND s.region_id = r.region_id
 ORDER BY wm.last_contact desc,,;

Man, is that an ugly query.  I've seen worse, though.

| Shaun M. Thomas                INN Database Administrator           |
| Phone: (309) 743-0812          Fax  : (309) 743-0830                |
| Email:    AIM  : trifthen                      |
| Web  :                                             |
|                                                                     |
|     "Most of our lives are about proving something, either to       |
|      ourselves or to someone else."                                 |
|                                           -- Anonymous              |