Thread: FreeBSD vs Red Hat. Will give feedback soon (Re: Moving data from FreeBSD to Red Hat)

On Mon, 27 May 2002, Andrew Gould wrote:

> This is not an answer to your question; but a question
> regarding the use of PostgreSQL on Red Hat Linux as
> opposed to FreeBSD.

Right now we are in the very early stages of this attempted switch?

> I currently run PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on FreeBSD
> 4.5-Stable.  Since our IS department has some
> familiarity with Linux but not the *BSD's, they would
> like me to switch to Linux.

This is simmilar to my situation.
Basically where I work they use Compaq hardware. Because Compaq has
"listed" support for Red Hat, my IT department wants to run Red Hat.

Unfortunately in my case, my IT department is just starting to get up to
speed in Red Hat AND they have 0 experience in PostgreSQL.

I have been happily supporting PostgreSQL in FreeBSD, but the Network
department is supposed to manage servers. I asked the Network Deptartment
if they wanted to learn FreeBSD and act as "Secondary" support for the
FreeBSD machines, or if they wanted to be responsible for the servers and
run it with Red Hat. They chose to go with Linux, even though they are
just getting to get familiar with it.

> Do you have any observations or advice you would share
> regarding such a move?

I actually have numerous operations I do which I time. I will also be able
to get the timings in the Red Hat machine, however these machines have
different specs so it will NOT be an apples to apples comparison.

The one thing I can tell you so far is that it is very unproductive to
have to work on a machine where you don't have root access. :-(
When the network dept installed PostgreSQL they didn't even install the
man pages. Moreover, there are several packages which I always install on
all the Unix machines I manage, such as vim, which I have to ask/wait for
the network department to install them.

If there is any insterest I can post time comparisons as we move to the
Red Hat machine. I can also post detailed information about the hardware
so people would be aware of the differences in hardware between the two