Thread: examples with execute

examples with execute

"Johnson, Shaunn"


Running Postgres 7.1.3 on RedHat Linux.

Can someone give me an example of
using the EXECUTE command while
in a function?  For example, I'd like to
create a table using EXECUTE, but I'm
not sure about it's use (or how to use
create in a function).

My goal is to do something like this:

[snip code]

drop function t_member_cnt(int);
create function t_member_cnt(int)
returns integer
as '
declare nCnt int4;

        select count (*) from test_table into nCnt;
        if nCnt < 1500000 then
        return nCnt;
        execute drop test_table;
        execute select * into test_table from standby_table
                where user_id=''3924'';
        end if;
        return nCnt;
end; '
language 'plpgsql';

-- change to user and execute the function
\c database joeuser
select t_member_cnt(0);

-- do the permissions part
grant select on test_table to public
drop index test_i;
create index test_i;

[/snip code]   

Perhaps I've missed it, but I haven't see much in the
way of 'real world examples' using execute.

Suggestions welcomed!

