Hi all,
In a perl script I try to insert a row with the follow SQL command:
INSERT INTO billing ( pin, start_time, duration, service_code,
phone_number, ip_address_ingress, ip_address_egress, call_id,
service_type, is_free,
bill_type, source_gateway_id, dest_gateway_id,
disconnect_reason, extended_reason, total_units, dnis, ani, dept_ref_no,
sub_net_id, originating_net_id,
destination_net_id, total_time, seq_no, new_call_id, rating_string,
billing_result, domain, version, remote_domain,
stat0, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5, stat6, stat7, stat8, stat9,
ii_digits, ip_addr_proxy, total_units_2, pin_2,
source_call_control_id, dest_call_control_id)
VALUES ('1313', '2002-05-21 15:05:14', '0', 'C',
'673-8-819797', '', '',
'0', '', 'N', 'I', '6006', '-1', 'CR',
'61', '0', '6738819797', '', '', '0',
'1109', '1109'
'1096', '35', '',
'109611100000000000014982419', '', '2002-05-21 15:05:14',
'1000', '32__124VS2B8', '3.2.1224.7',
'65__1E1VS2BC', '0', '1113', '0', '0', '0', '0',
'0', '0', '0', '0', '100010022', '', '',
'0', 'GPVPIN',
'-1', '-1', 'G723High')
What Perl returns is:
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: Relation 'billing' does not have
attribute 'extended_reason' at ./upd_billing.pl line 147, <BILLINGFILE>
line 241.
Does anyone of you knows what this means?