Thread: LIMIT between some column

LIMIT between some column

Uros Gruber

My query is

SELECT id_category,name FROM categories WHERE level BETWEEN 1
AND 2 AND lft>1 AND rgt<100 AND active=true ORDER BY name

This is about 30 or more records. This records can be grouped
by id_parent. What i want to do is limit data in a way that i
could get for example only 3 or 4 records with same

here is some data for explanation.

id    |    parent    |
0     |              |
1     |       0      |
2     |       0      |
3     |       0      |
4     |       0      |
5     |       1      |
6     |       1      |
7     |       1      |
8     |       1      |
9     |       2      |
10    |       2      |
11    |       3      |
12    |       4      |
13    |       4      |
14    |       4      |
15    |       4      |
16    |       4      |

When i execute my query i get all ids from 5 to 16, but i
want it to limit somehow that i get only ids,
5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14. I hope my problem is understandable.
Do I have to use join on table itself or how.


Re: LIMIT between some column

"Joel Burton"
> here is some data for explanation.
> id    |    parent    |
> 0     |              |
> 1     |       0      |
> 2     |       0      |
> 3     |       0      |
> 4     |       0      |
> 5     |       1      |
> 6     |       1      |
> 7     |       1      |
> 8     |       1      |
> 9     |       2      |
> 10    |       2      |
> 11    |       3      |
> 12    |       4      |
> 13    |       4      |
> 14    |       4      |
> 15    |       4      |
> 16    |       4      |
> When i execute my query i get all ids from 5 to 16, but i
> want it to limit somehow that i get only ids,
> 5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14. I hope my problem is understandable.
> Do I have to use join on table itself or how.

Let's simplify your problem to the table above. To show just the first 3
rows (by id) for each parent:

create table limited (id serial primary key, parent int not null);

insert into limited (parent) values (0);
insert into limited (parent) values (0);
insert into limited (parent) values (0);
insert into limited (parent) values (0);
insert into limited (parent) values (1);
insert into limited (parent) values (1);
insert into limited (parent) values (1);
insert into limited (parent) values (1);
insert into limited (parent) values (2);
insert into limited (parent) values (2);
insert into limited (parent) values (3);
insert into limited (parent) values (4);
insert into limited (parent) values (4);
insert into limited (parent) values (4);
insert into limited (parent) values (4);
insert into limited (parent) values (4);

select id,
  from Limited as L0 where (select count(*)
                              from Limited as L1
                             where L0.parent=L1.parent
                               and < < 3;

- J.

Joel BURTON | | | aim: wjoelburton
Knowledge Management & Technology Consultant

Re: LIMIT between some column

Uros Gruber

I tried this and it works, but i don't like this. because
it's to slow and i have to use ids like i do it in example. I
want to have something that i'm not forced to use ids like

especialy if i move some categories or delete any. This
method don't work anymore.


Sunday, May 19, 2002, 5:21:14 PM, you wrote:

>> here is some data for explanation.
>> id    |    parent    |
>> 0     |              |
>> 1     |       0      |
>> 2     |       0      |
>> 3     |       0      |
>> 4     |       0      |
>> 5     |       1      |
>> 6     |       1      |
>> 7     |       1      |
>> 8     |       1      |
>> 9     |       2      |
>> 10    |       2      |
>> 11    |       3      |
>> 12    |       4      |
>> 13    |       4      |
>> 14    |       4      |
>> 15    |       4      |
>> 16    |       4      |
>> When i execute my query i get all ids from 5 to 16, but i
>> want it to limit somehow that i get only ids,
>> 5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14. I hope my problem is understandable.
>> Do I have to use join on table itself or how.

JB> Let's simplify your problem to the table above. To show just the first 3
JB> rows (by id) for each parent:

JB> create table limited (id serial primary key, parent int not null);

JB> insert into limited (parent) values (0);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (0);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (0);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (0);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (1);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (1);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (1);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (1);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (2);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (2);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (3);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (4);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (4);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (4);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (4);
JB> insert into limited (parent) values (4);

JB> select id,
JB>        parent
JB>   from Limited as L0 where (select count(*)
JB>                               from Limited as L1
JB>                              where L0.parent=L1.parent
JB>                                and < < 3;

JB> - J.

JB> Joel BURTON | | | aim: wjoelburton
JB> Knowledge Management & Technology Consultant

Re: LIMIT between some column

"Joel Burton"
JB> select id,
JB>        parent
JB>   from Limited as L0 where (select count(*)
JB>                               from Limited as L1
JB>                              where L0.parent=L1.parent
JB>                                and < < 3;

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Uros Gruber []
> Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 11:34 AM
> To: Joel Burton
> Cc: Uros Gruber;
> Subject: Re[2]: [GENERAL] LIMIT between some column
> I tried this and it works, but i don't like this. because
> it's to slow and i have to use ids like i do it in example. I
> want to have something that i'm not forced to use ids like
> here.

You don't need IDs per se, but for this to work, you do need _something_ you
can order these by -- a datetime or money amount or something (would your
"name" column do?) -- otherwise, how are you choosing which are the top 3
that you want to see? Randomly?

As for speed: yep, it's slow. Correlated subqueries always are. An index on
parent will help a lot, as will an index on whatever the comparison field is
(id in my example). Or, possibly, someone else may be able to suggest a
faster way, but I'm not seeing one right now.

> especialy if i move some categories or delete any. This
> method don't work anymore.

Don't understand this point at all. What are you talking about?

- J.

Joel BURTON | | | aim: wjoelburton
Knowledge Management & Technology Consultant

Re: LIMIT between some column

Uros Gruber

Sunday, May 19, 2002, 5:47:08 PM, you wrote:
>> I tried this and it works, but i don't like this. because
>> it's to slow and i have to use ids like i do it in example. I
>> want to have something that i'm not forced to use ids like
>> here.

JB> You don't need IDs per se, but for this to work, you do need _something_ you
JB> can order these by -- a datetime or money amount or something (would your
JB> "name" column do?) -- otherwise, how are you choosing which are the top 3
JB> that you want to see? Randomly?

I have some colum name on which i want to order.

JB> As for speed: yep, it's slow. Correlated subqueries always are. An index on
JB> parent will help a lot, as will an index on whatever the comparison field is
JB> (id in my example). Or, possibly, someone else may be able to suggest a
JB> faster way, but I'm not seeing one right now.

I try to use indexes but it's still to slow. I'm faster if i
select all and then cut those rows in PHP.

>> especialy if i move some categories or delete any. This
>> method don't work anymore.

bye Uros