Thread: Re: [INTERFACES] C & C ++Program Problem

Re: [INTERFACES] C & C ++Program Problem

Arindam Haldar
on my RedHat 7.2 i have inserted these lines in the file /etc/
using gcc -lpq egtry.c gives error-->
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpq
collect2: ld reurned 1 exit status

am very newto c , can u tellhow to use -lpq ??
thanx in anticipation

Ted Petrosky wrote:

> I was having the same problems. Do you have the momjiam book
> PostgreSQL? He gives examples of compiling C and C++ programs complete
> with the command line to start compiling (on page 195). Take a look at it (I
> think it is also online).  You are missing the linking flag that  tells the linker
> where the libpq.a and libpq++.a files live. libpq.a and libpq++.a is where those
> symbols are defined.
> Ted
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arindam Haldar <>
> To:,,
> Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 12:23:19 +0530
> Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] C & C ++Program Problem
>>thanx for the hint. am re-entering c programming from DOS world !--my
>>apologies as am again a learner. 1 more Query on to this.
>>POstgres-7.2 was not configured with-->--with-gnu-ld , which i just saw
>>is default set to no... So can that be problem while compling C & C++
>>prorgrames ?
>>thanx again in advance for ur help.
>>Nigel J. Andrews wrote:
>>You need to read the error messages. It's not a postgres issue it's a
>>issue. Try giving the -lpq flag to gcc.
>>On Thu, 16 May 2002, Arindam Haldar wrote:
>>hi all,
>>am trying to use C & C++ libraries with postgresql 7.2.
>>while compiling a sample programe(attached) there were thse errors
>>encounterd !..
>>[arindam@my src]$
>>[arindam@my src]$ gcc egTry.c
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o: In function `main':
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0x12): undefined reference to `PQconnectdb'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0x2b): undefined reference to `PQstatus'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0x5c): undefined reference to `PQerrorMessage'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0xac): undefined reference to `PQexec'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0xc5): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0xf3): undefined reference to `PQclear'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0x104): undefined reference to `PQfinish'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0x12e): undefined reference to `PQntuples'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0x159): undefined reference to `PQgetvalue'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0x186): undefined reference to `PQclear'
>>/tmp/ccTLiExh.o(.text+0x197): undefined reference to `PQfinish'
>>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>[arindam@my src]$
>>lib & include dir are in /usr/lib/pgsql-7.2 & /usr/include/pgsql-7.2.
>>i have tried to compliethis programme with RH7.2(with postgres rpm & a
>>configured from tar file)..
>>i need help pls...   i want to use C or C++
>>thanking u in advance
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Re: [INTERFACES] C & C ++Program Problem

Doug McNaught
Arindam Haldar <> writes:

> on my RedHat 7.2 i have inserted these lines in the file /etc/
> /usr/lib/pgsql-7.2

This may or may not be necessary, but if you do it you need to run
'ldconfig' in order for it to take effect.

> using gcc -lpq egtry.c gives error-->
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpq
> collect2: ld reurned 1 exit status

You need to add a -L flag to the compile so gcc looks in the right
place for libraries.  Also, the '-lpq' should go *after* your source
file name.  So:

gcc -o egtry egtry.c -L/usr/lib/pgsql-7.2 -lpq

That should get you a lot closer to working.
